Blake, Thomas Durell, a student of Lincoln's Inn 16 May, 1863 (then aged 27), called to the bar 6 June, 1866 (only son of Thomas Stoke Hodge, of Sidmouth, surgeon); born , 1836.
Blake, Walter Henry, B.A., Jesus Coll., Camb., 1870, poor law auditor for South Yorkshire, a student of Lincoln's Inn 20 Jan., 1869 (then aged 20), called to the bar 18 Nov., 1872 (2nd son of Charles Blake, of Serjeants' Inn, solicitor); born , 1849; married 8 Aug., 1877, Margaret, elder dau. of late Clare Sewell, Esq., of Blackheath.
- Serjeants' Inn.
Blakesley, George Holmes, M.A. (late fellow), King's Coll., Camb., 1871, from Eton, a student of Lincoln's Inn 20 April, 1868 then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1872 (eldest son of Very Rev. Joseph Williams Blakesley, dean of Lincoln); born 1 June, 1846; married 27 Aug., 1878, Alice Anne, youngest dau. of late Rev. William S. Gilly, vicar of Norham and canon of Durham.
- 14, Nevern Road, S.W.; 13, Old Square, W.C.
Blakiston, Henry Mathew, a student of the Inner Temple 26 Nov., 1881 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1884 (eldest son of Charles Robert Blakiston, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, gentleman); born 24 Aug., 1861 (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Bland, George Davison, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1844, a student of the Inner Temple 2 April, 1841 (then aged 22), called to the bar 31 Jan., 1845 (4th son of Thomas Davison Bland, Esq., of Kippax Park, Yorkshire); born , 1819; married , , Mary Sarah, dau. of John Thomas Wharton, Esq., and has issue.
- Kippax Park, near Leeds.
Blandy, Richard Newdigate, a member of the Oxford circuit, undergrad. Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon, from Cheltenham Coll. (prizeman), a student of the Inner Temple 3 May, 1879 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1883 (youngest son of late William Blandy, of Cheltenham); born , 1857.
- 5, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Blanshard, Richard, F.R.G.S., M.A., Queen's Coll., Camb., 1844, governor of Vancouver's Island 1849-51, J.P. Hants and Essex, a student of Lincoln's Inn 8 June, 1839 (then aged 21), called to the bar 22 Nov., 1844 (eldest son of Thomas Henry Blanshard, Esq., of Kirby, Essex); born , 1817; married 19 May, 1852, Emily, dau. of James Hyde, of Aller, Somerset.
- Fairfield, Lymington; Ki, Albany, Piccadilly, W.; Conservative Club.
Blazé, John Thomas, M.A. Merton Coll., Oxon, a student of the Middle Temple 14 June, 1877, called to the bar 9 June, 1880 (eldest son of Louis Ezekiel Blazé, of Kandy, Ceylon, coffee merchant); born , .
- Kandy, Ceylon.
Bleby, Henry William, B.A. London Univ. 1852, equity draftsman and conveyancer a student of the Middle Temple 23 April, 1870, called to the bar 27 Jan., 1873 (eldest son of Rev. Henry Bleeby, of Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, Wesleyan minister); born at St. Lucia 28 Nov., 1831.
- 96, Carleton Road, Tufnell Park, N; 14, Bell Yard, W.C.
Blenkinsopp, James, a student of the Middle Temple 26 Jan., 1874, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1877 (only son of late James Blenkinsopp, of Elm Lodge, Egham, Surrey, solicitor); born , .
- Elm Lodge, Egham, Surrey.
Blennerhassett, Rowland Ponsonby, M.P. Kerry since Feb., 1872, matric. Trin. Coll., Dublin (1st class honours), and Christ Church, Oxon, J.P. Kerry, a student of the Inner Temple 7 May, 1870 (then aged 20), called to the bar 15 May, 1878 (only son of Richard Blennerhassett, Esq., of Kells, co. Kerry); born 22 July, 1850; married 21 Sept., 1876, Mary Beatrice, 3rd dau. of Walter Armstrong, Esq., and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Kells Lodge, Cahirciveen, co. Kerry; 52, Hans Place, S.W.; 2, Mitre Court Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Reform Club.
Blew, William Charles Arlington, M.A. New Inn Hall, Oxon, goes the South-eastern circuit, author of Organs and Organists in Parish Churches, a student of the Inner Temple 26 April, 1872 (then aged 24), called to the bar 10 May, 1876 (elder son of Rev. William John Blew, of London); born , 1848.
- 16, Warwick Street, S.W.; 9, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.; 3, Harcourt Buildings, E.C.
Blofeld, Thomas Calthorpe, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1863, from Eton, recorder of Ipswich since 1877, chancellor of the diocese of Norwich since 1881, revising barrister Bucks, on the South-eastern circuit (West Suffolk) 1872, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 April, 1859 (then aged 22), called to the bar 27 Jan., 1862 (eldest son of Rev. Thomas John Blofeld, of Hoveton Hall, Norfolk); born 15 Dec., 1836; married 6 May, 1868, Fanny Elizabeth, 4th dau. of late Rev. John A. Partridge, rector of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, and has issue.
- Hoveton House, Norwich; 13, London Street, Norwich.
Blount, Alfred Francis, a student of the Middle Temple 26 May, 1840, called to the bar 24 Nov., 1843 (eldest son of M. J. Blount, Esq., of Purley, Berks); born , .
- 1, Montagu Place, W.
Blount, Archibald Henry, undergrad. Trin. Hall, Camb., a student of Lincoln's Inn 12 Nov., 1862 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 1871 (eldest son of William Blount, Esq., of Orchehill, Bucks); born 25 June, 1840.