Bothamley, Moses Nathaniel, undergrad. Christ Church, Oxon, changed the spelling of his name, a student of the Inner Temple 30 April, 1878 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1881 (eldest son of Samuel Bottomley, gentleman, of Shelf Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire); born , 1857.
- Shelf Hall, Halifax.
Bottrill, William Evans, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Middle Temple 17 Nov., 1879, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (eldest son of William Bottrill, of Belair, South Australia); born , .
- 1, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Boucherat, Louis Arthur, a member of the French bar, a student of the Middle Temple 15 April, 1869, called to the bar there 6 June, 1871 (younger son of late Julius Boucherat, of Mauritius); born , .
- Mauritius.
Boughey, William Fenton Fletcher, M.A., Christ Church, Oxon, 183S, stipendiary magistrate for Wolverhampton since 1879, recorder of Shrewsbury 1867-79, educated at Shrewsbury Grammar School, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 Nov., 1835 (then aged 21), called to the bar there 11 June, 1839, admitted a barrister of the Middle Temple ad eundem 4 June, 1845 (4th son of John Fenton Boughey, Bart., of Aqualate, co. Stafford); born 9 Nov., 1814; married 30 April, 1874, Caroline, dau. of late Rev. Benjamin Lucas Cubitt, rector of Catfield, Norfolk, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Wolverhampton; Oxford and Cambridge Club.
Du Boulay, Arthur Houssemayne, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 May, 1870 (then aged 27), called to the bar 27 Jan., 1873 (eldest son of John Houssemayne du Boulay, Esq., of Donhead House, Wilts); born 11 March, 1843; married 10 Jan., 1867, Josephine Caroline Emily, eldest dau. of Rev. George Routh Howard, late vicar of Asgarby, co. Linc.
- York; West Australia.
Boulnois, Charles, LL.B. (honours). King's Coll., London, 1854, and a member of Convocation, goes the South-eastern circuit, late judge of chief court of the Punjab 186-, a student of the Middle Temple 7 Nov., 1851, called to the bar 30 April, 1855, son of William Boulnois, Esq., of London); born , ; married 21 July, 1864, Emmeline Barker, eldest dau. of Joseph Goodeve, Esq., bar.-at-law.
- 19, Russell Road, W.; 1. Temple Gardens, E.C.
Boult, Swinton Henry, M.A. London Univ. 1856 (honours) and a member of Convocation, practises in the Lancaster Chancery Court, assistant magistrate and collector B.C.S. 1856-9, a student of Lincoln's Inn 24 Nov., 1860 (then aged 25), called to the bar 6 June, 1863 (eldest son of Swinton Boult, of Liverpool, actuary); born 27 May, 1835.
- 6, Stanley Street, Liverpool.
Boulter, Stanley Carr, goes the South-eastern circuit, undergrad. Clare Coll. Camb., a student of the Inner Temple 9 Nov. 1874 (then aged 21), called to the bar 27 Jan., 1879 (only surviving son of John Boulter, Esq., of Frimley, Surrey, dec.); born 1853 and has issue.
- 5, Norfolk Terrace, Bayswater; 12, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Bourchier, Amaury Robert Macnamara, M.A. (late junior student) Christ Church, Oxon, assistant registrar Lancaster Chancery Court since 1883, a student of Lincoln's Inn 24 Jan., 1876 (then aged 26), called to the bar 9 June, 1880 (only son of James Macnamara Bourchier, of Rathglasse, co. Galway, gentleman); born , 1850.
- Chancery Office, Manchester.
Bourdillon, Charles Martin Webb, undergrad. Christ Church, Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 20 April, 1835 (then aged 22), called to the bar 8 June, 1838 (2nd son of Brownlow Bourdillon, Esq., of Ramsgate, Kent); born , 1813.
Bourdillon, Thomas, J.P. Essex, a student of Lincoln's Inn 20 Aug., 1825 (then aged 20), called to the bar 8 June, 1832 (eldest son of Rev. Thomas Bourdillon, of Hunstanton, Hunts, clerk); born , 1805; married 17 Oct., 1871, Selina, 4th dau. of late John Carbonell, Esq.
- Horkesley Hall, Colchester.
Bourke, Rt. Hon. Robert, P.C. 1880, M.P. King's Lynn since 1868, under-secretary of state for Foreign Office 1874-80, J.P., D.L. East Lothian, author of Parliamentary Precedents, educated at Trin. Coll., Dublin, a student of the Inner Temple 27 April, 1849 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1852 (3rd son of Robert, Earl of Mayo); born 11 June, 1827; married 21 Nov., 1S63, Lady Susan Georgiana Broun-Ramsay (c.i.), eldest dau. and co-heir of James Andrew, Marquis of Dalhousie, K.T. (extinct) (see Foster's Peerage).
- Coalstoun, Haddington, N.B.; 18, Montagu Street Portman Square, W.; Carlton, Athenæum, and St. Stephen's Clubs.
Bourne, Hugh Clarence, M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxon, matric. London Univ. 1875, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Oct., 1879 (then aged 21), called to the bar 25 June, 1884 (2nd son of Alfred Bourne, of Forest Hill, Kent, merchant); born , 1858.
Bourne, James Kenyon, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1879, goes the Oxford circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 17 May, 1876 (then aged 20), called to the bar 21 April, 1880 (eldest son of James Samuel Bourne, of Dudley, co. Worcester, solicitor); born , 1856.
- Camp Hill, Nuneaton; 10, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Bousfield, William, M.A. Merton Coll., Oxon, member of London School Board 1882, conveyancer and equity draftsman, a member of the Midland circuit, author of The Government of the Empire 1877, a student of the Middle Temple 17 Nov., 1863, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (eldest son of William Bousfield, of Streatham, Surrey, merchant, dec.); born 9 July, 1842; married 15 July, 1870, Blanche Isabel, eldest dau. of Lt.-Col. Arthur Walton Onslow, of Cheltenham (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Great Bookham, Leatherhead, Surrey; 33, Stanhope Gardens, Queen's Gate, S.W.; 10, New Square, W.C.