Under Royal and Distinguished Patronage.
1874 & 1880 VINTAGE.
" Carte Bleu," Dry, 42s. per doz. " Carte Bleu," Extra Dry, 46s. per doz
We can strongly recommend this Wine ; it is one of the best value we ever offered ; it has all the true Champagne charcteristics— Purity, Delicacy of Flavour, and full effervescence. It has great keeping qualities for improving with age.
THE ROYAL CHAMPAGNE. "Carte Verte," Dry 54s. per doz.
This Wine is a fine full-bodied Champagne, and will be much esteemed by those whose palate does not appreciate a very dry Wine.
THE ROYAL CHAMPAGNE. "Carte Blanche," Reserved Cuvee, Extra Sec, 60s. per doz.
Although we quote this Wine at so modest a price, the quality is so exceptional that we fearlessly say it cannot be equalled by any Wine at less than 72s. or 76s. per dozen, and the known Brands at even higher prices do not excel this choice Curee in any way except in the matter of price.
International Health Exhiiution — The Medical Times:— says Messrs. DENVER & CO.'s of exhibits of Champagne are specially to be recommended. A sample of the 1874 Vintage we have carefully examined, and found perfect in bouquet, and altogether excellent."
F. T. DEMER & CO., 27, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus.
DENT'S CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, and CLOCKS have long held pre-eminent rank, as may be seen from the Reports of various scientific persons : —
THE ASTRONOMER ROYAL (Sir G. B. AIRY), in his Report to the Admiralty (August 13th, 1870) on forty Chronometers entered for annual competition, says of M. F. Dent's Chronometer—"This is the finest Chronometer that we have ever had on trial"
N.B.— THE LATE ASTRONOMER ROYAL (J. Pom), Esq.), reporting, in 1829, on the celebrated public trial, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, which lasted thirteen years, during which nearly 500 Chronometers were tested, says : —
"Your Chronometer, No. 114. is entitled to the First Premium. Actual variation in the year 0.54 hundredths of a second. This is superior to any other yet tried."
THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL ASTRONOMER (M .STRUVE), of St. Petersburgh, reporting upon 81 Chronometers tested by the Russian Chronometric d Expedition, in 1 843, says :—
"The Dent Chronometers have held first rank in a brilliant manner They contributed, beyond dispute, the most effectually to the exactitude of the results. M. S FRUVE.
- .* By Command of the Emperor the Russian Gold Medal of the Highest Order of Merit was presented to Mr. DENT.
In testimony of the excellence of Dent-'s Turret Clocks, Sir G. B. AIRY, Astronomer Royal, says : —
"Royal Observatory, Greenwich 22nd July, 1845.
"I believe the Clock which you have constructed for the Royal Exchange to be the best in. the world as regards accuracy of going and striking. "G. B. AIRY .
"MR. DENT, 33, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross."
SIR WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Inventor of the Armstrong Gun, says :—
"9, Hyde Park Street, W., 14th November, 1861.
"The Chronometer Watch you made for me in December, 1859, has never been affected by travelling or riding ; its variation at the end of a year was only 45 seconds. It has proved in every respect a most satisfactory Watch. " W. G. ARMSTRONG.
MR. M. F. DENT, 33, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross."
The Report on Chronometers and Watches, etc., by the Judges at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876,. can be had on application. A Medal and Diploma of the Highest Order were awarded.
Estimates supplied for Observatory and Turret Clocks of every description.