Bruxner, Edward Arkwright, B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon, a student of the Middle Temple 26 Oct., 1865, called to the bar 6 June, 1868 (only son of Rev. George Edward Bruxner, of Thurlaston, co. Leicester); born , ; married 17 June, 1868, Alice Blanche, 2nd dau. of late H. F. Lindoe, Esq., M.D.
- 29, St. George's Road, Pimlico, S.W.
Bryce, James, M.P. Tower Hamlets since April, 1880, D.C.L., fellow Oriel, scholar Trin. Coll., Oxon, Gaisford University prize 1860 and 1861, Arnold prize 1863, chancellor's prize, Vinerian scholar 1861 and Craven 1862, B.A. (double 1st class) 1861, prof, of Roman law and jurisprudence to Council of Legal Education since 1878, regius prof. of civil law Oxford Univ. since 1870 and examiner in jurisprudence 1872-4, examiner in law and principles of legislation London Univ. 1870-5, prof, of jurisprudence Owens' Coll., Manchester, 1870-5, a member of the Northern circuit, author of Trademarks Registration Acts 1875, 1876, of The Holy Roman Empire, and of Transcaucasia and Arrarat, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 Jan., 1862 (then aged 23), called to the bar 11 June, 1867 (eldest son of James Bryce, Esq., of Boweshill, Blantyre, Glasgow); born 1838.
- 35, Bryanston Square, W.; 7, Stone Buildings, W.C.; Athenæum, Savile, and National Liberal Clubs.
Bryson, John Burns, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 9 Dec., 1861, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1864 (only son of Charles Bryson, of London, wine merchant); born , .
Buchanan, David, matric. London Univ. 1876, formerly member of Legislative Assembly of Sydney, New South Wales, and sometime M.P. for Western Goldfields, a student of the Middle Temple 9 Nov., 1867, called to the bar 7 June, 1869 (5th son of late William Buchanan, of Edinburgh, advocate); born.
- Clairinniss House, Sydney, New South Wales.
Buchanan, Ebenezer John, puisne judge of Cape Colony since 1880, a member of House of Assembly 1877, served during Transkei war 1879, acting attorney-general of Griqualand West and member of executive and legislative councils of the province 1879-80, author of Cases Decided in Eastern Districts Court of the Cape of Good Hope, a student of the Inner Temple 14 April, 1870 (then aged 25), called to the bar 27 Jan., 1873 (2nd son of Ebenezer Buchanan, town clerk of Pietermaritzburg, Natal); born 8 March, 1844; married , 1878, Mary H, only dau. of D Mudie, Esq., of Tay Bank Gardens, Cape Town.
- West Hill, Grahamstown, Cape Colony.
Buchanan, Thomas Ryburn, M.P. Edinburgh since 1881, M.A. (fellow) All Souls' Coll., Oxon, D.L. county and city of Edinburgh, public examiner in pass school Oxford Univ. 1878, a student of the Inner Temple 12 Nov., 1869 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1873 (3rd son of John Buchanan, Esq., of 10, Moray Place, Edinburgh); born 2 April, 1846.
- 10, Moray Place, Edinburgh; 9, Stratton Street, Piccadilly, W.; National Liberal Club.
Buck, Henry Louden, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 20 April, 1870, called to the bar 27 Jan., 1873 (eldest son of Stephen Francis Buck, late of Enfield, Middlesex, merchant); born ,
- 60, Park Crescent, Stockwell, S.W.; 4, Middle Temple Lane, E.C.
Buckerfield, Thomas Henchman, a student of the Middle Temple 9 Jan., 1845, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1861 (youngest son of Rev. Bartholomew Buckerfield, of Marlborough, Wilts, dec.); born , .
- 2, Mortimer Terrace, Highgate Road N.W.
Buckle, George Earle, M.A. (fellow since 1877), All Souls' Coll., Oxon, 1879, BA., New Coll., Oxon, 1876, scholar 1872-7, 2nd class Math. Mods. 1873, 3rd class Classical Mods. 1874, Newdigate prize 1875, 1st class Lit. Hum. 1876, 1st class Modern History 1877, scholar of Winchester Coll., 1872, editor of the Times Feb., 1883, a student of Lincoln's Inn 8 Nov., 1876 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1880 (eldest son of Rev. George Buckle, rector of Weston-super-Mare; born 10 June, 1854; married 22 Jan., 1885, Alicia Isobel, 3rd dau, of James Payn, of London.
- 16, Queen Square, W.C.
Buckle, John, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1827, recorder of Worcester 183–-63, of London 183–-51, went the Home circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 2 Feb., 1827, called to the bar 12 Feb., 1830 (eldest son of John Buckle, of London and Hithergreen, Kent, merchant); born , .
- 39, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W.
Buckley, Edmund Fraser, B.A. New Coll., Oxon, an examiner of High Court of Justice since Feb., 1884, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 Nov., 1873 (aged 21), called to the bar 7 May, 1879 (eldest son of John Arthur Buckley, Esq., of Hampton Wick, Middlesex); born , 1852.
- Hampton Wick, Middlesex; 6, Stone Buildings, W.C.
Buckley, Henry Burton, M.A., Christ Coll., Camb., 1871, scholar and fellow, ninth wrangler 1868, member of the Bar Committee since Dec., 1883, author of A Treatise on the Law under the Companies Acts 1862-80, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 June, 1866 (then aged 20), Tancred law student 1866, called to the bar 7 June, 1869 (3rd son of late Rev. John Wall Buckley, forty years vicar of St. Mary's, Paddington); born 15 Sept., 1845.
- 20, Stafford Terrace, Kensington; 18, Old Square, W.C.
Buckley, John, formerly a solicitor, a student of Lincoln's Inn 23 Jan, 1869 (then aged 35), called to the bar 30 April, 1872 (2nd son of Capt. William Henry Buckley, late 82nd regt., dec.); born , 1834.
- 16, St. Paul's Road, Camden Square, N.W.