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Sedition hath ſcattred,
We talk with tongues of holineſs, but act with hearts of hatred.

He that doth know me,
And love will ſhew me;
Hath found the neareſt noble way to overcome me.
He that hath bound me,
And then doth wound me,
Wins not my heart, doth not conquer, but confound me.
In ſuch a condition
Love is the phyſitian,
True Love and Reaſon makes the pureſt politician.
But ſtrife and confuſion,
Deceit and deluſion,
Though it ſeem to thrive at firſt will make a ſad concluſion.

Love is a fewel,
A pretious Jewel,
’Tis Love muſt ſtanch the blood when Fury fights the duel.
Love is a loadſtone,
Hate is a bloodſtone,
Heaven is the North Point, and Love is the Loadſtone.
Though fury and ſcorn
Loves Temples have torn,
He'll keep his Covenant, and will not be forſworn.
His Laws do not border
On ſtrife and diſorder,
He ſcorns to get his wealth by perjury and murder.
