Page:Mexico and its reconstruction.djvu/323

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It is at this point, when the financial arrangements to be adopted and the rights of foreigners come under discussion, that the attitude of the Mexican government toward national reconstruction becomes most important. . However great the mistakes of the Diaz régime may have been, there can be little doubt that the effort to improve the condition of the country by bringing about its economic development was wise. The assistance of the foreigner contributed powerfully to the creation of a new Mexico and the assistance of the foreigner may be made equally effective in raising Mexico from the low estate to which she has been brought by the revolution.

Those who now have in charge the destinies of the republic have the high responsibility of bringing that adjustment of material and non-material interests in which they believe their predecessors failed. They must find some means by which they can secure the financial assistance of the foreigner, without falling into the errors for which they criticize those formerly in power.

The economic foundations, upon which may rest the reforms Mexico may adopt, involve no other foreign country as they do the United States. Trade and investments make the interests of the two countries inseparable. These influences will accentuate their economic interdependence and should draw them into closer and more friendly political relations.

For the present there seems to be little prospect for such an entente cordial. The revolution in Mexico and the efforts of certain classes of foreigners during the World War have reawakened the spirit of distrust.