Page:Morgan Philips Price - Siberia (1912).djvu/281

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traders, selling them again at the autumn fairs at Irbit and other parts of Western Siberia.


Gold mining has greatly developed of late years in the Yenisei Government, both as regards the number of concessions granted and the amount of gold produced. The output for 1910 amounted to 112 pouds (12 Russian lbs.), and 97 zolotniks (4044 lbs. avoirdupois), which was equivalent to five per cent. increase on that of the previous year. In the same year the number of dredging and reef working concessions amounted to 163—the richest dredging area is in the southern forest zone north of the railway. Here the sands in the bed of the Yenisei and tributary rivers are very rich. Syndicates with foreign capital have been working these sands in several places with satisfactory results.

The Prospects of Industrial Development

Manufacture is at present but very slightly developed in Central Siberia owing to the small population, primitive culture and lack of skilled workmen and capital. There are thus only 830 registered industrial enterprises in the Yenisei Government and the number of hands employed in them is only 34,694. The industrial proletariat is therefore a little over five per cent. of the total population. The output of industrial wares in the Yenisei Government is of the value of 6,000,000 roubles (£666,000) a year, over 4,500,000 (£500,000) of which consisted of the products of the State vodka and spirit distillers.