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wybyem pan oeS ti a grogem B.T. 1 2 ' we knew not that it was Thou whom we crucified '.

pan yw lit ' when it is ' ; to know ' when ' it is may as easily as to know how ' it is become to know ' that ' it is. ymae is doubtless relative = y mae ' where (it) is ', hence from *totmi est 189 iii (2). The loc. *jftsmi may mean ' how ' as well as ' where '.

xi. (i) A preposition governing the implied antecedent of an oblique rel. y (or neg. na) forms with the latter the equi- valent of a conjunction :

gwedy y5 lit. ' after [the time] when ', greedy yr, greedy jr, greedy na\ gwedy y is usually contracted to greedy \ MIL. W. reedy 'dd, reedy 'r, reedy.

gwedy yr efont o'r byt ftumn C.M. no 'after they go from this world ' ; gwedy y garffei car y alon B.B.B. 7 ' after he had conquered his enemies ' ; A guedy byryer ttcncer yndi W.M. 21 ' and after much has been thrown into it ' ; guedy na cheffit gcmthunt try do. 66 ' after it was not obtained from them '. WedyMd el y drydedd oe* L.G.C. 394 'After the third generation is gone'. With inf. prom gwedy as coUont IL.A- 167 ' after they have lost it '.

hyt yS, lyf y ' as far as, as long as'; hyt na ' as far as not ' > ' so that not ' ; Mn. W. kyd jr(r), tyd na.

hyt y sych gwynt, hyt y gvclych glow W.M. 459 ' as far as wind dries, and rain wets' ; cf. D.G. 2 ; hyt na W.M. 4, hyt nat do. 71.

gyt ac y * as soon as ' ; Mn. W. gyd ag y.

Ar hynny gyt ac y kyvodeg ef W.M. 52 "Thereupon as soon as he rose '. Ac val y gyt ac y do. 88, K.M. 64 ' And as soon as '.

am na ' because . . . not ' : er na ' though . . . not* ; eithyr na ' except that . . . not ' ; trwy y * so that ', lit. ' through [means] whereby ' ; Mn. W. am na y er na, and am y ' because f , ery * though'.

am na trybuum pan aeth W.M. 389 ' because I knew not when be went ' ; eithyr na tllynt SywedtU do. 56 ' except that they could not speak'; trwy y colletto IL.A. 143 ' so as to cause loss', trw yt W.M. 453.

mal y(8) { how, so that ', mal na(t) ' as if, so that . . . not ' ; megys y(S) ' as, so that ', megys na(t) ' as if, so that . . . not ' ; Mn. W. fal jr(r), fel y(r), . . . na(d) ; megy* jr(r), mfyi* J< r ).

val y gaUfi W.M. 13 ' as he could ', ral na teyptm do. 429 ' as if I knew not ', mal na trybuum do. 389 ' so that I knew not ' ; megys y