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Mn. W. forms are printed in roman type ; Ml. W. forms in italics. Forms which survived and developed regularly in the Mn. period are given in Mn. spelling ; thus for Ml. W. deveit see under defaid. Italicized forms include those which became obsolete, or are replaced by re-formations in the Mn. period. But some forms, such as UaSoS, are italicized because quoted from Ml. texts, so that italics do not necessarily imply that a form is not Mn.

For pi. nouns not included, see the sg. ; for the spv. of adjectives see the pos. or cpv. ; for verbal forms see the ist sg. pres. ind. or the v.n. In cases of irregular flexion all stems are represented in the index.

The words are arranged in the order of the present Welsh alphabet, thus : abcchdddefffgnghilllmnopphrstthuwy.

Ml. W. k under c 5 5 under dd ; v and/c under f ; g under ng ; f under rh.

Early Ml. W. t ( = 5) under dd ; t ( = y) under y ; u ( = w) under w ; to (= v), here printed OT, under f.

The reference is to pages.

a ' ah ' 450

ach law 410, -9

aderyn92, 2 13, -8

addail 263

a 'who' 48, 56,

achles 151, 268

adewssynt 328

adawadoeb 328

277, 284-5, -7,

achos 86, 95, 98,

adfer 320, 332

addef 133, 263


212, 216, 413,

adferaf 74, 147,

addewid 232

a (aff.) 277, 429



addfain 132, 263

a (interr.) 424-5

achreawdyr 166,

adflas 263

addfed 115

a, ac ' and ' 20,


adfyd 122

addfwyn 132,166,

66, 69, 162,

achub 86, 96

adladd 263



achubeint 325

adlais 263

aSoe8 360, -5, -7

a, ag ' with ' 162,

achupvy 328

adlam 263

addoer 263


achuiysson 98,212

adnabod 353-7

adduru 214

a, ag 'as' 241,

ad- 263

adnabum 356

addwyn 45

409, 447

adain 205,210-2,

adnapo 328

addysg 133

a 'of 401 , 409

adan 399-400

adnebydd 354

ae (interr.) 424-5

ab 179, 184

adanedd, 77, -9,

adolwg 452

ae 'whether'

aber 132, 263


adolwyn 392, 452

425, 441-2

Abermaw 59, 61

adar 79

adrawS 321

aed 35, 329

aberth 263

adara 383

adref 150, 437

aeddfed 115

aboxtol 92

adaren 218

adrodd 183, 385,

aelwyd 81, 114,

a-breiS 438

adaw 381-2, -8



acw 28, 401, -4

adcorssant 326

adw-aen, -en 32,

ael-yn-ael 62

ach 133, 204, -16

ad eg 71


aer 164

ach (prep.) 401,

adeilad 39, 226,

adwaeniad 354,

aeron 222


390, -i, -6


aeth 338, 360, -4,

ach (intj.) 67, 450

adeiladaf 382

adwaenost 353,


achadw 53

adeiladu 390

355, -7

aethnen 150

a chan 420

adeilaf 382

adweini 355

aethpwyd 327,

achar 132

adeilws 326

adwyth 144



adeilwt 1 13

adyn 122, 151

Aethwy 107, 114

achen 151

adenydd 210-2,

add- 263

af 74, 359- 6l >

uehlaii 61-2, 434


ASucc 22
