Page:Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine.djvu/211

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Next morning, having made all arrangements with the agent of Messrs. Cook and Son, and bid a warm farewell to our trusty conductor, Bernhard Heilpern, we sailed from the Jaffa roads, and cast anchor off the port of Beyrût.

On reaching the deck of the steamer, on Sunday morning, our eyes were charmed with the view of the mountain range of the Lebanon, the snows of which were glistening in the sunlight, and from below which the well-wooded slopes, channelled and furrowed by many a glen and ravine, descended to the sea. In front lay the spacious and busy city of Beyrût, with its little harbour, far too little for the requirements of so important a port. To the right rose conspicuously the fine buildings of the American Protestant College, which is doing such excellent work in the education of the Syrian youth.

Early in the afternoon, accompanied by my son, and Dr. Selim, of Gaza, who had kindly constituted himself our guide, I called on the Rev. Dr. Bliss, Principal of the College, who received us most kindly, and arranged to show us the museum the day following. I then went to pay my respects to Mr. Aldridge, H.B.M. Consul-General of Syria, who was also most friendly, and invited us to lunch with him the next day. After this I took a ramble over the city, under the guidance of Dr. Selim, visiting the excellent School for the children of Druses, kept by Miss Taylor. Here I saw about twenty nice little girls, who looked very happy, and evidently much attached to this devoted lady, whose cheerful and loving care could not fail to win their affections. After they had sung some hymns, both in English and Arabic, I gave them a little address, which Miss Taylor interpreted to them, and took leave of the good lady who has devoted her life to this useful work.

The day following I made the acquaintance of Dr. Post, Head of the Surgical Department of the College and Hospital of St. John, and after