Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/140

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COAm*S OF AUrrRAL.?. 119 ?,ale, without eneounterin& any aoeident, or the I#!. oocurrence of any circumstance worth reemdtn?..Nov. m. On the 2Brd of December, at daylight, the land about Cape Cha?a? was in sight, and a course was directed to the eastward for Kin S George's Sound; where it was my intention t? oomplete our wood and water previous to com- mentin S the examination of the west coast. At four o'clock in the afternoon we hauled ronnd Bald Head, and enterin S the Sound, soon at&r- wards anchored at one mile from the entrance of Prinee?s Royal Harbour. Havin? at our former viait re,fitted at Oyster Harbour, I wished, on this occasion, to try Prh. cass Royal Harbour; but as I was both unac- quaintod with its entrance, as well as its con- yenlethe for our purposes, exceptins from Captain l?linders's acoount, I hoisted the boat ovt early the next morning, to make the necessary exami- nation before the sea. breeze commenced. Whilst the boat was preparing, a distant shouting was heard, and upon our looMn S attentively towards the entrance,. several Indians were seen s/tting on the rocks on the north head hallooin S and waivin S to us, but no fhrther not/ce than a re- turn of their call was taken until apter break- fast, when.we .l?ed towards them in the 'beat. As we dr?w near the shore they came Di?itiz?d?,Googlc.