Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/374

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SAILIN(? DI?I?"?ON$. ?9 flat? but o? sm? s?. A r?f ?x?n? ?or more ?a ?ve ?les to ?e ?stwa?, ?d it ?s not ?ht impr?ble ?t. ?t it mi?t ? eonnee?d with the r?fs ?at ez?nd ? ? w?d of M?t?me? Islands. The eent? of the largest ?' isl?d is in 1? �8., ?d 1? �E. To the N.? of ?kell's Islands the ?-tide sets ? ?o ?u?; but to the west? with .gr? st?n?h ? the ?.E., 'and, ? ?or? ?n miles m the eastward of M?l?y Isles, ? fide ? ?d fell third-six feet, the m?n b?i? t?nty= one days old. ?ke!l's lsi?ds ?e twenty mil? fr? the I? ? ? south; and in ?his in?al, but within four le?es horn ?e shore, a? several small r?ky .islets, on o? of which there is a rem?kable lump; nea?r ?e shore are two isl?ds, which have a mo? fe?ile and verdant ap- ?n? ?han any other pa? ne? ?em: these fo? the wes? ex?i? of Co?zza's M?c?v Isles lie in a N.b.W. dir?on, and are eight miles in ex?nt; the princip? and hi?hest island is near ?e sou? end of ?e group; those to ?e nor?w?d ?mall and s?ling. ?o centre of ?e higher is in tltude 15 �, ?d l?tude 123 �. C?v?a?m ISrAS? was seen by ?e Fresh. Its mir is in latit,de 16 �25', and 1on?tude 12? 18' tt is the nor?-west?nmost of a r? of islands, ex?nding in ?e &r?fion of N. 60 � mong which CI? Island, ? nam? ?m a ?m?kable cle?. or eh?m ne? i? no? end, and D?xz?'s Mosv?r, ? conspicuous: the lair is a high lump. This ? is ?m? from one of a simil? natu?, and ex?nding in a like direction w ?e eas?, -by a strait from three ? four mil? wide, and 'from ?n to twenty deep.