Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/379

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? APPENDIX. A. the interior rises to on unusual height, end form8 n round Sect. IV. backed hill, covered with trees: it reminded us of the H. West appearance of' the country of the north coast, and is so Cont. different from the rugged end barren character of the Islands of Bueeonset's Archipeh? no to alloral en ?ldi- tlonal ground for out eonjeeture of the insuhrity of this land. The red eli? extend for four miles to the south- ward of Point C?ulomb, and are then superseded by a low coMt, eomposod alternately of rocky shores and sandy benches, (?AP?. BOILF, AU is seventeen miles to the sou?h of Point Coulomb; hem the shore trends in and forms a bay fifteen miles wide, and six deep: the south heed is the. lend of Point Otntheaumu? which is composed of mind hilb very bnr? of vegetation, as was also the eharueter of the in- tet4or. From Point Oantheaume, in letetude 17 �, the , coast trends 6) the S.E. for ebont fi?ean miles, wlmre it was. lost to view in distance: the extreme was a low sandy point, end eppetred to be the south extremity of the land. The slmee to the south of this, which eppenred to be a strait, in- suleting the land to the north as far as (?e. pe L?v?que, is nine miles wide. The sou? shore trends to the westwei?i to Oape �illaret, on whieh them is a remeFk?ble hilloek? in latitude 18 � 5 ?, and longitude 122 �45'. The speee between the (3ape and Point Gontheaume was called ROEBU(3K BAY. It is here that (?npt&in l)etnpiet. landed, in the year 1688. Three miles to the south of the hillock on (3epe �;11&tet, are two lumps, which eta distance ap? like rocks. (?ape tatouche Treville has st small hummock near its