Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/423

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A. Htgg?toi?.l lslshd, end round the outerm?t' of Si? Itvehni 8ectiou Horne's Group. VIII. M The anchorages between Cape Flinders and this are sO B?ute. numerous as riot to require particular mention: the northe we&t ?nd ot ? every reef will afford sheiter? but the auchor should not be dropped too near, because the tide sweeper round the edge with greater strength than it does at half mile off, within which distance the bottom is generally deeper. IF the day is advanced and the breeze Freeh, Night Island should not be passed: because the anchor- u?es between it aud Piper's Islands are rather expceed; and a vessel getting underwelgh ?rom ?qigtit Island at light will easily reach Piper's Islands, or Margaret before dark. The latter bay is round Cape Grenville; it is Fronted by $unda? Island,. which affords ?ood ehelter f?rom the wind: it Js a safe place to stop at. In passing round Sir Everard Home*s Islands, steer wid? From them, to avoid the tide drifting you towards the ?roup, For it sets to the N.W. across the course. The course is then about ?q.W.?W. t � Bird Isles, and thence, to the reef �, about lq.W.h.N.; the better and more direct plan is to pass within � and w, (there is, however, a safe channel between them,) and when abreast oF the west end oF the latter, the course to Cairncross Island is N.b.W.JW., und the distance about eighteen miles. There not being any very ?:?d anchorage between this and Cape York, it would be perhaps better to anchor unde? it For the night, in about Fourteen or fifteen hahoreo, mud, the island bearin? S.E., but not nearer than half a mile, be* cause, Within that distance, the bottom is Leavin? 0airncr?)ss Island, steer N.?.W.?W. until Escape River is abraart o? ?ou, ?vken lo0k out For reef X: tteer