Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/450

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I,..Gm, AMYDOSIUIUa. grHOn;(,,. . ?i? Po? Nd?n, nonk-?t.eouto? Aus? h?d deprened, wi? ? sides ?. ?a?g s ? rid? . oy?. ?e oyes cove?d ? l?r sc?es ? ? ov? ?d rid?.oF s?l upright.a?u: ?e lips su?u? by s row of oblong, fo?-sid? sc?, .? ?ways, front sc?e of ?e up?r lip ?hg the l?st: ve?d wi? na?w mld-rib?d sc?e? wi? a.five-sided oue in �e cent, ?d ?ve? oliver fork.of ?e !?er jaw: nos?ils, su?ounded by ?er a orbic? sc?e, ?ma? ne?ly ?d-way ?tw?n ?e eye nd ?e end of ?e up?r jaw, ?e tubes poin?g forw?s: ?e' s?e of ?e f?e hu a vsry obsc?e fid? ?ding frm the ?!e of ?e mouth ? ?e under p? of the e?: neck eoveMd with sm?l sc?: frill aris?g from ?e h?nder p?t ? ?e hed, just over ?e ?ont of the sidu o? the n?k ?d ex?nding ?wn . ?e ?es? suppo?d ?ove by s l?a? c?la? a?ng from ?e Mnder. dom? p?t o? the ?r, ud .in ?e c?e by .. a ?e, which ?nds. about h? ?s ? ?.an elon?tiou of ?e.side fork ou? ?ju?g ?e s?men; ea? f?!l bus four p?; w?h . conver? on ?e ?der. p?t of ?e ?, ?d fold ? up ?n ?e si?, ?d ? fi? wh?ro ?e tw 9 are ,uni? in t?e