Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/455

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4?0 APPENDIX. ?ncoud; the fourth on!? ? ? long as the third; aud the fdth about half the length of the fourth toe. Oenus TKACHYSAUKUS. Pede? quatuor pentadactyH. C?p?d sul?scut?tum, dentes in pal?to null. 2? ?upm ?qmmi? crmm? elonw?tis su!?l?nc?i? fnfi? �? brev? depress. This Wenus i? at once distinguished from the former, a?d deed?m the whole of the Sc?d? by the large hard scales that cover the bnck of the body and head; which are �of distinct triangular long plates, rough on the outside, and covered with a membranaceous skin. The bony shields of the head pass gradu .ally into the dorsal plates. The teeth short, thick, ?nd conical; the palate toothless. The belly and lower surface of the tail are covered with large six-sided scales,. like' the other genera of the family. The head is rather large, triangular. The legs short, weak; the toes very short, covered only with as many scales as there are joints; the outer and innermost being about half as long as the three central toes, which are nearly of equal length claws short, conical, channelled beneath. The tail short, depressed. 5. Tstxcstgn?tustus ?tuoo?us, (n.s.) The body nearly uniform, chestnut brown? the he:ed de= pressed with the scales eonvez, and more nearly of an equal size than usual: tho?e round the eyes and mouth large; the three anterior scales on the edge of the lower jaw larger than those which cover the lower surface of the head, body, and taft, which are uniform., distinek large, and membtanaceous: the redes of the.track