Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/470

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MA?MaUL&?.] NATURAL HISTORY 44? ?uncle.. ?lyt?- Feet 1on?, ?i? ?er i? Femora, ?, CHRY9OLO?U8 58. ?HgTSOLOPUS nea?, tho? puncth ?abro ?dlo concavo su?nato lineis u?inque ele?fis, ?ytris c?natls serebus spina?m d?bus in?o? p?uis obtusis, p?ticis ?utis'. C. tcA?d?a. Dej. ?at. ' ne?t? tho?e p?a ? ?io calcite, o]?s punct? in?ri? abb?v?t&; turbo ?o n?ur? ma?o. riO. ?HRYSOLoPU8 QUADRIDB?8. ?r, ?he ? l?t s?ies c? ?a?ly ? consi&? to ?1ong ? the same genus ? ?. r?echAili?; bu? I f?tow M, De]eau un?H ?e whole family ? mo? ?cura?ly ?vestJga?. ?1. OABTiODU8 ?urc?io crenul?ur, Fab. ?se, ?!eufA, iJ, ?18, 64, ?9. OABT?ODU8 ?BOL?NBAT?B, b?usc?o rugh ?nsve?h du?bus ]ine? l?te? ?b?, elyt? n?gfis s?ae?puuc?is sueurg s?ue m?& elevatis lm?bu8 line? l?te? ?b? haud ?p?em atfingen?, api? ?e?ente ?.punc?to. ?3, FROTUB RUBalPBS0 (n, ?m?c? an?nnis pith ?av? oheurg, ?o?ce punc?is elevath ?bro: ?lyt;is puuc? ?pren?s ?t?afis, pun?is co?pic?s argen? ?uami?s ?ibus ?h genicu?s obscu?s, �