Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/471

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446' APPI?NJ91X. ?B. �OAt. '! am doubtAd whethe? this inse? ?erle's ?en? ?fr?. ? anteunto ? much 6?, ?SXCHROMA OBSCURAj (q. 8.) ?. ? peus cl?o Uneis duabus me?s appmx?afis ebbs l?- b? s?is, ?o?e esn?cM? ely?is squa?sque che?is 8ubau?is pmnfiim ? ? ?i? co? subt? ad h? p?ibmque ?b?is, ?. ?URCULIO CULTRAT?8. Fab, ?,t. ?leufA, ii. ?. ?s is s new ?nus ? ?e Cu?, n? uMe h ? pl?e ? ? th uhMn ? 1? I ?r ?. ciM �e hqm u?r i? Fab? ?3. 1?. OH?. ?M. ?, fig. 1?. ?** ?is i?ect b 81?ge? n ?e?nt f?m ?e t?e cA?i, n ? p?c?ng one b f?m the ?e 68, ?NC?NU8 BTDRN8, F&b, ?ft, OAf. ?is h ? n? a ?e ?Ayse?, but is a v? slur lnB?t in apiece, ? ?e ?ute ?e, ?ch elan, a? to b lU ?cll"? ?fence qa? entomol?c? eo?et?. 69. EuiHzsus 80&BRIOR, ?, inL?. ?M. ?, p.? 66, ?1. ORTHOR?R?H?8 8UTURALI8, (n. 8,) O. lmpunus ve? ? ?os ?-bUineat? thorace ?uult p?- ?eu m? ?b? el?rh ? sutu?m ?nei subrot lat?s ?bb, Digitized by Goog|�