Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/486

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H?us??tL??s.] NATURAL IllSTORY. 4(]1 -OAf. ?his inse? is hrger thun P. $sd/?v, but resembles it tremely in its upp? side. The under side, however, is different, u. the extremity of the upper win?s and the:whale of the under w?,s are of �fawn colour. The under side of the lower winp is dno sprinkled with some ffrey et?ne, and marked obscurely with a fuscous band under two points. 14? EuPL,?A (?H?Ys!PPUs. ?odark ?#e. ?A. H.?.iz. 187. ?S, �O6?. Cspts, in Kinf has brought a variety of .this insect from ?ew HolJud, which enly' differs from. the European specimen f?ured by Hutruer, 'in the. row of white points round the edse of ? upper side of the lower win? bein? evanescent., This species is one of th? which.have a great rang? of distribution, ? ?ound in N?ples, F?ypt, Syria, Indi? Jsva? and New Holhnd. J?6. I?.0PL?.A AFPIN/8. (Joriart. ?fl?. ?/?/J?. A?'. 0?. ix. 18?. 14?. EuPI.?A HAMiT.i, (n. s.) E. abdomine supr? niffro subrue fusco elis repandis supra i?s; omnibus uu*in?ue ed tlnmm.punctis sd besin m?ulh subbifidis virescent?-sqbis: ?tu? u?ica?'um spice poeticemn?u.e pag? omni, olivaceo* fusce?centlbus. OAf. This insect comes so very near to the Bulo/?ea Limla?e, of Godart and Cramer, which is common on the Commandel Coast u well as in Java and Ceylon, that I can scarcely comider it as any ?i. ng but a variety of that species. It ditfers, however, in being constantly of a smeiler size, in its abdomen beln? black, and in the exterior row of white spots on the under wings not extending much more than lieIf way round the margin of these wings. Cap- t&in King found this insect in surprising numbers on varios parts ?f the North-eaet Coaet, particularly at Cape Cleveland. See vol-i. p. 195. 146. DAxal8 TULLIOLa. ' Fab.'Bnt. $?ft. iii. p. 4. 1?. �OAf. I fezerie the generic name .of Dasah for such of M. �tr?iHe's genre. u. l?ve no pouche,, to the 19wer wing s of their