Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/500

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MO*-*-Vac&.] NATURAL HI91?0RY. The shell when perrec? Is white, with rose.eoloured umbonu; the ?one colour is often ex*l?nded down the cenUe of' tAe shel!? rormln? coneen?c zones, 6. LIY01N& DIVARi0ATA, Lafg? Hbd. V. ?1. leto. CAroms. C?A. vi. 184. t. 18. f. l?O. 7. VBNnRUPI8 G&LACTITlif, �emm f?ae#t?o, ? H?. v. 509. Tim f?et of ?-m*ok bring!daoed in the genus P'mm? this vbich & modern c0nehQlo?t has ?msidet?d as �vu.*4ety of

    • upif po*.fo?afu, 8hews the ver? gTeat affinity that exists betweem

8, VBMUS!PL&MM!OUL&T&? Lffrd, ?. y. I?n. 'Fids shell fs pnle yellowi? wi?h irregular, lax?e, disfiuc?, concen- tric ridges, and distinctly radiated stri?e; the urnbones smooth, polished, orange-yellow; the lozenge lanceoiate, purple; the imid?' go]den-yellow; the anterior and posterior dQIqM? ?A?r?ts pmlde, 9. �B?Uf TS$SSLLATA, (U, 8.) T?fta ovato.obio?ga,. at&ida, ii?6ds ?rpurd, ?g?datif tl: / ma?si&u: i?t?g?rimi?. $1?e.!l ov?te.oblang, white, i?!i?hed, ?ith ?o? of ?ua? purple .?po? forming reguiar llne?, wi?h ?1? polnU diceted ?ow?! b?k of ?he ?hell; covered wi?h m?ny di?in? -e?ly equ?l, con- centtic, smooth ridges; tIM from ? of tim ddfm tomewhat elevated, thin. himter part disth?tly lam?llar and muc? elevated, the lun?le 8ubulate, ianceoiate; the edge quite entire; urnbones with �purple 8pot. j lmsklo white, exoept an the antetqer aml po8. terior dorsal edges, whidt aro purple ? knftlt eJffkt?teut!m, bight