Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/51

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m: Our tourfie was. directed entirely by the chart' �?y"!. i had previously formed; for the weat!?r wa? ?o thick, that for the groator part of tha way no land oould be ?een to guido us: by noon w? had passed. between Cape York and Mount Adol-' phus, and in a short time rounded the' northS' end of Wednesday Island, and were ?. between it aad the North.West Reat? After passing .tho rock off Hammond's Island,. we steered W.b.S.tS., but were obliged to haul up S.W.b.W. to pass to the southward of a small. shoal, some 'part 'of which was uncov0red (the- time of tide 'being nearly low water, spring. tide) .' thi?, shoal lies in a N. 500 W. direction,. from the low rocky ledge off the north end of Oood's Island, and is distant from it about 8, mile and a halt? The Dick being a little ?' leeward of our track, had four fathoms; but th$ least we had was five and throe-quarters. Thin- reef is not noticed in Captain Flinders's chart ,' at high water, or even at half ebb, it is very dangerous., from its lying in the directIrack; but,' by haulir?g over to the south shore, may be easily. avoided At four o'clock we passed Booby Island, and. steered W.b.S. across the Gulf of Carpentaga --Between Booby Island and Cape WesseL which we passed in sight.of on the 3d, we ha?