Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/514

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Mo LLUSe&.] NATURAL HISTORY. 489 ]roving the inter-spaces hely spirally striated; tJ?e nucleus of tim shell, like thst of s vduta, is mammillary. 86. M!?uA SeUTULA?A, Lain. ;//st. v?. 314, �oluta Scutulata sue discolor, G?. ConcA. x, Crmd. 34?9. Icon. CAere**. 1, c, t. ] 51. ?. 14a8, 14?9. Lmmrck never laving seen this shell has &sen*bed ig on the authority o? (3hemnitz, whose f?*?re a?rees very well ?ith the shell before me; exeep? tht the spots Found the suture for nearly s continual band.a? �little distance From i�; the outer lip is smooth and thin; the inside dull livid brown; ?he axis is fourteen*twelf? the diameter seven*twelfths, o? an inch. 87. MAitOINnLLA X!I(UT&, (n. ?.) 2'est? miyata o?t? fudformb alba ?ollta, f?r? ?tuslu?euM, la?ro iaj?e?o, columeild ?uad?iplicat?. Shell ovate, fusiform. white, polished; spire con?cal, nesrly u long as the aperture, rather hlun?; outer lip 8omewb? infiex?d; columella w?th four distinc? plMt8; axis thre?twelfth, diameter two-twelfths of an inch. S8. STaOMBU8 PmOA?US, /dim. H/fL vii. SI0o Strombus dentatu8, GrAd. 0?/ft. Nat. 3?19. Icon. ?ump?. Mu?. ?. 87. f. 7'. P?..4?. t. 14. f. 91. $cAro?t. Rinl. in (?o?cA. i. ?. & f. 1?. B?cy. H?tA. ?. 408, f.& s.b. 89. STBOMBUS UB(?BUS, Lin. Grad. ?518. Icon. �1st?r. ?o?A. t. 8?7. f. 18. Martini. ?o?cA. 'fii. ?. 78. f. 808--aM. 90. S?OMSUS A?s?i?L?s, (n. ?.) 7'efta o?ato-obiosga tuberculata fpiralifer fulcata alMda fufco-variegata, fl?ir? exf?td, caud& r?cur?d, kzbro crv?mfo I?oft?rtb logo d;git?-form? termlnato intb (rof?o ?) rulca?o. ?con.. . ?