Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/516

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B?OLLUftCA.] NATORAL roBtORY. 401 ? shell ovate, cylindrical. thh; hyui? Whi? m vary ?lighdy reflexed; azio Ive. tmdfib, dimmer thrmo. twdM? of an inch. ? CmyI?T0?0 uf& !IALIO?OIDSUUf, (no) Sipfetus hl?oto'__?_ ?,/?m. HSt. vi.?. SOS. Icom. ?!f*m?. CmJcA. i. t. 16. L 151--154. 05. HLPPOmX LUTSm, (n.) Icon. /,?f?. t? 544. f. ?9. ? shell is very nearly allied to/? but the anif? is dentry not braehiopodous. It does not form (w a? !etot not st shelly support, but corrodes the surface of the 8hell to which it is attached, so a8 to form a more fiat attachment, and e? leave wbish h observ? oa t?ose specimens or individuals whlds bvo sheBy base. 0(5. SIPHONAiZlA !tADI'ATA, Vat** (?y, ]f?6e. ?a?P. 18?M. Siphomris Ezigua, $a?. Patella Japonica, Dintoo,ran. Icon. Donopan, ?Vd?o R?jMw. t? 7K The shell ovate, white, with. n? d? ii?mfubr centrio lines, sn? ei?epe omw it? omOmm? mltm? it Jo 8tightly wrinkled; whorls 8ix, rather convex; apepM ev? aboM half as bow &? lb sheri; pedstom? shin (p, rkap? Mt f?n?d) ? per* fednd? cove?dd vikk n, wMe? oveB lij? torretaxied by a da?h ed?; $oamk b the vieini*y of Bald Head. .,