Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/522

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NATURAL HISTORY. A FEW GENERAL REMARKS ON THE VEGETATION CERTAIN COASTS OF TERRA. AUSTRALIS, AND MORE ESPECIALLY OF ITS NORTH-WESTERN SHORES. BY Ms. ALLAN CUNNINOHAM, IT having been r?solved by the British Government to em- ploy a colonial vessel from the settlement of Port Jackson in New South Wales, for the purpose of exploring the whole of the North-western Coasts of New Holland, and that por- tion of the North Coast, not seen by that able navigator, the late Captain Flinders; a most faroarable opportunity was thereby afforded for a partial examination of the plants of those unknown shores, with a view of adding to our pro- gressively augmenting knowledge of the very interesting Flora of this southern continent. Having materially prolited by a twelvemonth's previous residence in New South Wales, acquainting myself with the characters (and principal peculiarities of structure) of many genera of plants absolutely proper to Terra Australis; and particularly in that period, throughout the progress of a long and very interesting journey in the interior, to the westward of Port Jackson, I was most happy and desirous to obey an instructiou I received from the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, on behalf of the Government, directing me to place myself under the orders of Captain'P. P. King, to whom the execution of this important service had been intrusted, and to accompany him to those particular coasts, destined for VOL. II. 2 K