Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/543

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?18 ?,?D?X. ?hich is ?oba?y the li?t of ?e 'g?nus on ?at h?i? sph2re, A Tragia (sca?ely di?in? hem a s?es indi?us In&a) is sp?ngly scat?r? on ?e ?st and Noah Co? ?d Acalypha has ?en rem?kzd ? ?e, ? ?1 ? ?e aor?west?m sh?. � P?vosvo?.--Of th? small family, whose ?d limi? were first d?ued by Mr. Bro?, ?em ?s s?- ?n s?cies in the H?barium of t?se voy?s, r?ferribl? ? Burs?lu, Bill?ie? Pittestrin, ?d two unpublish? Bill?diera, who? sp?ies are ?hoHy volubilo? ?d. ?ich m not found north of ths p?allel of Po? is f?quent ou ths Sou?-west Coas? and has been ?nfiy ?k? 9n the Wmt Coast of V? Diemen's ?d. Bu?a- ?a on ?e other h?d, a?e?ng limi?d to New South W?. h? been traced withiu ?e ?ropic ? lafitu? 19 �? �o? ?s?ru shores, a? al?h ?e ?nus Pittospo? is. even more ex?ivsly diff? on that e?st, it h? not ?ea m? wi? upoa ? nor?-w?m shores, wh?t isl?ds off ?e West Co?t furnished ? wi? ?o ,?cies. Dms?, ?ough ve? fr?qu?t ? ?e h?h? 1? ? Terra Aust?iis, where ?ey ?e so fr?u?t ? ? ?w a ?uli? charae? ? ?r ve?ble pr?ucfi?s, is p?a?vely rare willa the ?opic; ?r upon ?s ?t Co?t Erios?mpu aud Phebalium ap? to be ?e o?y ge?r? �? ]at? hav?g b?n recently discovered, in about 20 �th. Wi? some undescri?d speci? of ?ronia, a new g?us ?lied to ?i?temon has been ?served on ?e