Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/551

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there ie another g?nus almost equ?11? di?; which ho?er, on ?e No.*west Co?t r?u?d to ?e Th? is ?o?a, whose m?imum is cer?y in N? Sou? Wales, ?in and ?ond the ?pie, u? ? ? ?d ?er?y in ?e in? ? ?e co?, ?t?ng a]? ? �e sou?em ext?mi? ? Van Diem?'s ?d. Our v? !imi?d knowled? of the H? of ?i9 v?t ?u?t (ex?fin? of a p? e?t of 1onOtude ?o, ? included ?n ?e parallels of 31' ?d 3? in N? South Wales) Is enfi?!y confined to ?e vege?fion of i? immedh? sho?, u?n ?ery distinct co?t of which, in?, more or less ?equent, ?d under va?ous cidre- duces, have b? e?d; ?ough of ?, ve? e?sid?= able ?ons remain unexplored, ?d of' the llne of We? ?t, (pearly so d?ominated,) ?e shores of She's Bay, and some few pa? sou? of it, have alone been titleally investing. ?e indoor within ?e ?opic re? ?ntlrel? in obscu?ty? the con?nen? def?t of a ?t of iar? s?s having a dis?t source, to aid a pene?fion ? the internal parts o? the co?t?, ?ther wi? o?er effectual obs?cles, draw at pre?nt a veil, ?d ?orbid ? re?h in? its Na?l Histo? ?d char?r, which will not ? removed for ve? eonside?le ?riods (?rhaps ?) ?et to ?me ? It w? the genes] remark made during a former ?dition in ?e in.riot of ?ew Sou? W?es, that no ab- ?lutely entire change ?es place in the ve?mfion east of ?e meri&an of ?e new setdement nam? ?thurst; but that the p!an? of the co?t were more or less frequent at �hundred ?d 6?y mi!? from ?e sea, ?ough in a eount? estima?d at a?ut two thous?d feet a?ve i? level. Havin? to this circums?ce added a r?arkable and obvio? samen?s (?sing from ? ext?si?