Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/642

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GBOLOGY. l NATURAL HISTORY. 617 dish-grey'q?sartzose sand-stone, with traces of a slaty stme-- ture, resembling that of'York Sound, and Cambridge Gulf,, was found in the north-east 'end of this bay; and fine-. grained 9re?=stone, on the summit of the adjacent hills. Several of these specimens axe almost identical with those of Port Warrender; from which place Careening Bay is dis- rant about sixty miles. BAT ls?m?, (Narr. i.p. 4?2,) western entrance of Careen- ing Bay.--Quartz from thin veins, with particles of an ad-. bering rock, proba?.!y ehlorite-slate. Quartz, containing dis- Seminated hemat/t/c iron-ore and coioioer /?r/tes. Quartz crystals; with ealeedony, from nodules in arn?/ydaloid. Quartz with specular iron ore. Green-stone, with ealee- dony and copper pyrites. A decomposed stone, probably consisting of wac?.--The specimens of trap-rocks from this place am from a cavern. G?.BVlLhn lsLixqn, near the entrance of Prince Regeut's River.--Keddish, coarsely granula, s///ceous sand-stone; in horizontal strata, intersected by veins of crystallized quartz *. HAL?-WAY BAY, within Prince Regentis River on the west of the entrance, near Oreville Islund.--Hornb/onde rock ! nearly agreeing with that of Pohassco's Island, on the north-west of the Gulf of Carpentaria, (See above, p. 613.) Ca/cedon?/, apparently from nodules in amygdaloid. Crr?- ish ?aartz, approaching tO heliotrope. Red, somewhat slaty jasper, mixed with quartz and calcedony, and containing specular iron ore. The specimens from this place much resemble some of those from Sotto i Sassi, in the Val di Fassa in the Tyrol,,

  • Narrative, vol. ii. p. ?.