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ing their lives to reach, and also that the members of the many previous expeditions had probably perished. They turned their attention to their own continent, which this last piece of intelligence concerning another land made them love all the more.

I now proceeded to read the remaining manuscripts, but they were of a far too legendary character to make any reference to in my historical work. My next task was to read a brief history of Neuroomia, for to read the ordinary one would be a matter of years, and very probably unnecessary for the purpose I had in view.

A history of the world on the first reflection sounded a big concern to accomplish within a limited period. After a time, however, probably through thinking over the matter, it did not appear quite so formidable. My plan was to sketch a history of each continent, beginning with Africa.

After getting a start, I got fairly absorbed in my labours, which by no means proved disagreeable. However, I considered it would take a far greater time than I had at first calculated, and at one time there appeared to be little prospect of getting beyond two or three, at most, of the continents. However, I worked steadily at it, making a headway that astonished myself; but at the same