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I see, Mr. Flosky, you think my intrusion unseasonable, and are inclined to punish it, by talking nonsense to me. (Mr. Flosky gave a start at the word nonsense, which almost overturned the table.) I assure you, I would not have intruded if I had not been very much interested in the question I wish to ask you.—(Mr. Flosky listened in sullen dignity.)—My cousin Scythrop seems to have some secret preying on his mind.—(Mr. Flosky was silent.)—He seems very unhappy—Mr. Flosky.—Perhaps you are acquainted with the cause.—(Mr. Flosky was still silent.)—I only wish to know—Mr. Flosky—if it is anything—that could be remedied by anything—that any one—of whom I know anything—could do.

Mr. Flosky (after a pause).

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