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great agitation. Several grains are heard to fall on the stage. His heart is seen to beat through his upper benjamin.—The Mogul (with a mournful look at his left shoe,) "My shoe-string is broken."—The Princess, (after an interval of melancholy reflection,) "I know it."—The Mogul, "My second shoe-string! The first broke when I lost my empire: the second has broken to-day. When will my poor heart break?"—The Princess, "Shoe-strings, hearts, and empires! Mysterious sympathy!"

"Nonsense, sir,' interrupted Mr. Glowry. "That is not at all like the voice I heard."

"But, sir," said Scythrop, "a key-hole may be so constructed as to act like an acoustic tube, and an acoustic tube, sir, will modify sound in a very remarkable manner. Consider the construction of the ear, and