Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/202

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Onion as cure for toothache, ii. 447

Onions, crayfish, and snakes, x. 448

Onions for purifying water, xi. 28, 173

Onley (Capt.), R.N., his biography, v. 409, 474

Onlooker on Sarah Curran and Robert Emmet, iv.


Oonalaska, one of the Fox Islands, i. 486 Open-air pulpits, v. 55, 96, 154, 498 Opera-glasses, double-barrelled, their introduction,

vi. 49 Opera-House, English, two performances in one

evening, viii. 228

Ophelia, derivation of the name, iii. 249 Opie (John), R.A., his biography, vii. 385 ; print

after picture by, ix. 209, 274

Opium, Moliere on, xi. 88, 154 ; and S. T. Cole- ridge, xii. 65

Opium dens, fact and fiction concerning, xii. 487 Opposition : " His Majesty's Opposition," origina- tor of the phrase, iii. 486 Oprower, family name, i. 227, 313 O'Rahilly (T. F.) on Spanish stories in Irish, xi. 418 Orange, Spanish proverb on, i. 206, 251 ; ii. 134 Orange on plate at the Savoy Chapel, vii. 429, 493 ;

xii. 262

Orange-peel, catapults for, iii. 26 Orange River, R. J. Gordon, its explorer, vi. 189 Orange toast to William III., its meaning, viii. 269 Orcadian surnames, xi. 505 Ordeal by touch, the custom, xii. 87, 137 Order of the Pen, c. 1588, ix. 309 Order of the Royal Oak, v. 449, 513 ; vi. 136, 196 Order of the Tusin, its history, vii. 221 Ordinaries of Newgate, complete list, vii. 408, 454 ;

viii. 10, 278 ; ix. 35

Oregon, river-name, its origin, xii. 169, 258, 358 Orenzado, Cadus de, in Court Roll, its meaning,

vii. 249, 317 Orfeur (C. H.) on banner or flag, v. 450. Buse

surname, iii. 309 Orford (Admiral Earl of), commemorative tablet,

ii. 425

Organ-builder, early, at Oxford, iv. 183 Organs, barrel, in church, viii. 66 Oriana, curious Christian name, i. 170 Oriel, its use in English architecture, iii. 126 Oriental on ' The Eve of St. Agnes,' iv. 449 Oriental painting, vii. 107, 152, 195, 232

  • Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,' recovered

copy, x. 224

Orkney, Archbishopric of, ix. 289, 357 ; skylarks in, x. 229 ; sea-names in, xi. 107 ; children's games in, 445 ; counting-out rimes in, 446 Orkney folk-lore, xii. 483 Orkney Hogmanay song, xi. 5, 72, 177 Orme (Daniel), artist, his portrait, vii. 407 ; ix.

389 ; his ' Battle of the Nile,' xi. 447 Orme Square, Bayswater, and Napoleon III., ix.

327, 371

Ormerod on sundial inscription, ix. 289 Ormsby (Lewis), Lieutenant- Colonel, of Whet- ham's Regiment, his biography, vii. 450 Ormsby family, viii. 38? Ormskirk Church, Lancashire, its two steeples, iv.

415 Orotava, Tenerife, inscriptions at, i. 361, 455 ;

ii. 155

Orris-root, etymology of the word, viii. 247 Orthopaedic, derivation of the word, x. 449 Orton (C. W. P.) on Uncle Remus in Tuscany, ii.


Orvieto, St. Patrick at, i. 48, 131, 174 ; ii. 118 Orwell town and haven, vii. 21, 61, 134

Osbaldeston or Osbolston (Lambert), head master of Westminster School, xi. 371

Osborn (E.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 310

O'Scolaidhe on Scully family of Tipperary, viii. 514

Osier (P.) on Rodd family, xii. 148

Osleston Manor, co. Derby, ii. 256

Osric (King) and the poet Gray, xi. 128

Ossian or Ozian, Celtic epic poet, authorities on, vi. 287, 336

Ostermayer (Jehan), sixteenth-century musician, iv. 287

Ostiarius in mediaeval Latin, its meaning, viii. 48,

116 | Ostrich eggs at Burgos, Spain, i. 247, 332 ; ii. 474,

510 ; iii. 191, 336

Ostrich feathers with eagle, a crest, xi. 409

i Oswell (W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vii. 149

' Otford, the Benedictines, and St. Bartholomew, xii. 248, 310 ; its history, 269

Otway (T.) and Kipling, literary parallel, ix. 426, 492

Ou, its pronunciation in place-names, ix. 230, 294

Ouida, novelist, her original name, ix. 307

Ouija, a mechanical toy, ix. 307

Ould (S. G.) on Pamela, i. 52. Smoking and blind men, ix. 354. Solitary Mass, iii. 95

Ould family in Ireland, x. 268

" Our Lady of the Snows," origin of the title, i. 246, 311, 392, 511

Ousley family, ix. 127

Outis on the Glamis mystery, x. 241

Outraged Scholar on vizt., ix. 405

Outram (Sir James), equestrian statue, x. 494

Outroper, origin of the word, xi. 508

Outsetter, use of the term, iii. 264, 317

Ovah bubbles, meaning of the term, i. 169

" Over fork: fork over," meaning of the motto vi. 449 ; vii. 33, 93 ; viii. 340

" Overfed Mephistopheles " in ' Dombey and Son,' xi. 448

Overy on quotations wanted, v. 48

Ovid and Portia's invocation to mercy, viii. 505

Ovid and Shakespeare, literary parallel, vii. 301

Ovington (J.) and Kipling, literary parallel, ix. 248

Ovoca or Avoca, place-name, x. 308, 397, 437, 497

Owd Lad=the Devil, x. 507

Owen on Patty, vi. 210. Quotations wanted, vi. 229

Owen (Douglas) on " Angel " of an inn, x. 135. " Betty," a hedge-sparrow, viii. 57. Cali- fornian English, vi. 381 ; vii. 197. Canals in naval warfare, ix. 109. Chase, its meaning, viii. 436. Cold Harbour Lane, ix. 113. Coop, to trap, iv. 358. " Cut his stick ' ' Hooked it," viii. 348. Falcon Court, xi. 190. Guernsey lily, xi. 55. Hawser: Haul, xi. 395. Henry Brougham, steamer, v. 337. Keelhaul : cob- key : morryoune, vii. 448. Maru, vii. 268. Napoleon III. in London, ix. 371. New Zea- land fossil shells, xi. 33. Notices in the United States, vii. 374. Pedlars' rest, viii. 217. Portobello, vii. 198. Pot-gallery, vii. 431 ; viii. 312. Puggle, iv. 486. St. Barbara's feather, x. 373. Slavery in England, vii. 176. Waddington as a place-name, xi. 136

Owen (E. C. E. ) on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 268

Owen (F.) on Home Tooke, viii. 509

Owen (John), and Archbishop Williams, ii. 146 ; as epigrammatist, xi. 21, 156 ; epigram on Drake (Sir Francis), xii. 207