Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

Books recently published :

St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Admissions

to the College of, ed. by R. F. Scott, 98 St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, Register of

Members, 439

Savory (William) of Brightwalton, Life of, 200 Scots Peerage, Vol. I., ed. by Sir J. B. Paul, 357 Shakespeare : Oxford Miniature Edition, 79 ;

Sonnets, ed. by C. C. Stopes, 339 Shiells's (R.) The Story of the Token, 139 Ships and Shipping, ed. by F. Miltoun, 139 Solon's (M. L.) Brief History of Old English

Porcelain, 199

Songs of the Vine, selected by W. G. Hutchi- son, 98

Stevens (B. F.), Memoir of, by G. M. Fenn, 78 Stevenson's (R. L.) Familiar Studies of Men and

Books, 520 Stroud's (F.) Judicial Dictionary of Words and

Phrases, 99

Stubbs's (W.) Lectures on European History, 417 Swan's (H.) Dictionary of Contemporary Quota- tions, 279

Swinburne's (A. C.) Poems and Ballads, 518 Thoyts's (E. E.) How to Decipher and Study Old

Documents, 100

Thurston's (H.) Lent and Holy Week, 339 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 379 Treasure's (J. P.) Introduction to Breton

Grammar, 200 Upper Norwood Athenaeum, Record of Summer

Excursions, 1903, 100

Vaughan's (H.) Poems, ed. by E. Button, 400 Walpole's (H.) Letters, ed. by Mrs. Paget Toynbee, Vols. I.-IV., 38 ; Vols. V.-VIIL, 498 Wheatley's (H. B.) Gerrard Street, 200 Wordsworth's The Prelude, ed. B. Worsfold, 339 Yorkshire, Handbook for, 259 Yorkshire Notes and Queries, ed. C. F. Forshaw, 320

520 Booksellers' Catalogues, 59, 119, 180, 239, 298, 358,

418, 499 Bookselling and publishing, bibliography of, 81, 142,

184, 242, 304, 342

Bosham's Inn, Aldwych, its history, 105 Bostock (R. C.) on William of Wykeham, 222 Bouchier (Jonathan) on proverbs in the Waverley

Novels, 383, 402

Bovate, use and meaning of the word, 101, 143 Bow, last used in war, 225, 278, 437, 497 Bow Bridge, its history, 461 Bow-rake, use and meaning of the word, 85 Bowdon Parish Church, Cheshire, curious inscription

near, 85

Boyle (M. C.) on Rev. Arthur Galton, 349 Boyle (Robert) on the Bible, 186 Bozzaris : authorship of ' Death of Bozzaris,' 268 Brackenbury (H.) on Sir C. Hatton's title, 267 Bradley, co. Southampton, in the seventeenth century,

389, 456

Braxton (Carter) and Herbert Spencer, 405 Brazen bijou, kitchen utensil, 369, 455 Bre"guet (Abraham), clockmaker to Napoleon, 446 Brenan (G.) on Mundy, 134 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Edmund Kean, 449 Turner : Canaletto, 168

Brett (C.) on Shakespeariana, 425

Bridge, its derivation, 189, 250, 297, 394

Bridlington, pronunciation of the name, 471

Briefs, old, discovered at Claverley, Shropshire, 474

Brierley (H.) on Jenny Greenteeth, 365

Bright (Dr.) his epitaph in Oxford Cathedral, 5

Brightlingsea, election of deputy mayor, 72

Brightwalton, Berks, field-names at, 228

Brigstocke (G.) on Hopson, Admiral Sir T., 269

Brindley (James), engineer, his biography, 310,375

Bristow on Eugene Aram, 389

Britain, Tennyson on, 166

British Embassy in Paris, its history, 68

British waters, Dutch fishermen in, 87

Britons, ancient, works on the, 169

Brixham, Cofiin House at, 388, 493

Brome family of Bishop's Stortford, 368

Brooke (Henry), his portrait by John Lewis, 87, 153

Brooke (Henry) on John Lewis, portrait painter, 153

Broseley, All Saints' Church, briefs for, 475

Brothers and sisters bearing same Christian name, 67,

257, 315, 457

Brown (W. R. H.), Governor of Newgate, 126 Browning (E. B.), her 'Aurora Leigh,' 47 Browning (Robert), "He himself with his human

hair" in 'Christmas Eve,' 208, 237; "Thundr-free'

in ' Pippa Passes,' 504 Bruges, crown in spire of Notre Dame, 157 Brushtield (T. N.) on ' Edwin Drood ' continued, 37 Raleigh : his head, 130 ; two portraits, 310 ;

substituted portrait, 403 Tideswell and Tideslow, 52, 190, 372 Brutus on Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 452 Nelson and Wolsey, 308 Nine parts of speech, 337 Buchanan (Mary), first wife of Warren Hastings, 426


Buck = Indian man, 65

Buck (Samuel and Nathaniel), engravers, 309, 336, 870 Buck-leap, use and meaning of the word, 85 Buckeridge (Bishop), his birthplace, 287 Bucket, in "Kick the bucket," 412 Building customs and folk-lore, 407, 515 Buildings, public inscriptions on, 448, 516 Bulloch (J. M.) on Gordon and Zoflany, 107 Bunney=a gully, 489 Burch, Birch, or Byrch families, 328, 417 Burgess & Son (J.) on paste, 510 Burghclere (Lord) on setting of precious stones, 29 Burke's ' Royal Descents,' Joan, daughter of James I.

of Scotland, in, 507 Burlington, written Bridlington, 471 Burns (Robert), English commentators on, 261, 321,

375, 456 ; " Her prentice hand " and other antici- pations, 286, 357, 371 Burton (R.) errors in Shilleto's edition of ' Anatomy

of Melancholy,' 42, 163, 203, 282 Butterworth (S.) on Boer War of 1881, 277 Button (T. C. ) on Spenser and Shakespeare, 204

Verses on women, 189 Buttons, military, 349, 472 Byard family, 348, 414 Byng (Admiral), his connexion with Torrington,

Devon, 189, 256 Byng (C.) on Admiral Byng, 189 Byrch, Birch, or Burch families, 328, 417