Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/152

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io- s. iv. AUG. 12,1905. NEW8VKNDOR81 BENEVOLENT and PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded ISM. i «ii.11 exceed 25,0001. Office : Memorial Hall Bnlldlnita. 16, FarrinfdonStreet, London, B.C. Patron: The Hl(ht Hon. the l. Mi I, ol ROBKBBB.Y, X.O. PreaUent: The Klfkt Hon. the LORD OLBNB8K. Treaaarer: The LONDON and WBKTMINHTBK BANK, Limiin, 217, Btrand, W.C. TruiteeMBx-Offlclo Metnbera of Committee): CHARLKH 1IKX11V WALTER. Eaq. Kir ii'Hi.v i: BKOOKS M A ii-in i.i.. MA .1 r n 1. ALFRED HBNRY HANOB. Baq. (Chairman ol Committee). CHARLtR AWIWV, Biq., MA (Hi.IP.nt* — ThU Institution waa established In 1M8 In the City of London, under the Preeldency of the law Alderman Hirmer, (or tranunr Penalnni and Temporary A»l«tanee to prlnclpali and aaBl«*aiiui engaged at vendora ol newt*pepere. A Donation of Ten Guinea* oooetitutea a Vlee-Prealdent and irlvea threw volea (or life at all election*. Hach Donation of Three Oolneae rive, a »o e at all election, for life. Every Annual Bubacrlber li "nulled to one vole at all electloni In reepect ol each Five 8b.llllngi to MEMBERSHIP.—Every man and woman tlirouehont the United Klnrdom. whether, publlaher, wh.ole.eler, r.-tailer, employer, or emploved la entitled to become a member of thu Institution, and rnlln ita >*nentii upon payment ol live fthllllnii annually or Three Guinea! for Life, provided that be or the If engaged In the sale ol Dewipapera. "lTKlJl"llV-rTempirary r-llef la «l«en In caeee ol dlitreei, not only to Mf inhere ol the Inetttutlon. but to newavendore or their MrTaBti who may lie recommended for aaamtance i.v member* of the Institu- tion Inquiry U made In inch caaee by Ytaltknfr Commttteea. and relief u awarded In accordance with the menu and requirement* of each ra.e W. W1LKIE JOSEB, Secretary. NOW HEADY, price 10*. U net. THK NINTH SERIES G N E R A L OF INDEX NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introduction by JOBBPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. Thla Index le double the alre ol prevlona onee. an It contalna, In addition to the uual Indei ol Snhjecla. the Namei and racudonjn,. of Wrlteta witn a Llalol their Contrlbutlona. The number ol constant l-ontnhatora eieeerfe eleven hundred. The Fnhllaher reaervee the rluM ..I« the price ol the Volume at any time. 'Ihe number printed I, limited, and the tjpe hue been ulttrlbuted. Free by port. lOa. lid. JOHN O. FRANCIS. .Vol«« o»il <l«rri« Oftlce, Hream'i Bulldlnfa. K.C. >y . KM. EDITION, leap. 8vo, prlee Fonrpence. NEW TK8TAMKNT CHRONOLOGY: the principal Event* recorded In the New Tettament arranged nn-ter their Probable Kr,i.ectlv H«te> By W. T. LTNN, B.A. F H A 8 , Aaaoclate of Kin* a Colleite. Ixindon. Lay Header In the lilocctc of K<Khe,ter. Author ol • Celeatlal Motion!,' • Kemarkable Comett, Kvuiarkable Bcilpsea,' • Aatronomy for the Young.' dtc. I^ndon: BAMl KL BAOBTER * BOND, LIMITED. 19. Fatereoater Row. THIRD B1UTION. Kevlaed to 1904. leap 8vo, cloth, price Slipence ASTRONOMY for the YOUNG. ByW. T LYNN. BA F.K.A-9. KAilPSON LOW, MARST-IN * CO.. Ll«rm>. tit imnataa'a Home. Fetter Lane. B.C. TWKLFTH EDITION, price SUpence. cloth. T>KMARKBLK COMKTS: a Brief Snrreyof the IV moat intertntlnp Facta In the Hiatory ol Cometary Asuonomr. By W T. LYNN.H.A. FRAS. SAMl'f»ON L!)W. MARSTON * r*> . LKITTD. M. Danslan » Houie. Fetter Lane. B.C. 'UNr.Rinc.rc WELLS.— APARTMENTS, AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION i.~ to NOTES AMD QUKRIES free by post la ]0a. 9J. for Rlx Montha - orK)« td forTwelve Montha. Includin'i the Volume laden—JOHN c. FltANCIK. Nottt and flurries OfBce, Uream'i Halldlniri, Chancery Lame. R. J. HOBSON MATTHEWS, Solicitor, expert Record Searcher, who hai completed hi, eleven yeara' work aa Archlvtat to the Corporation of Cardiff and Editor of • c'ardifl Record*.' and la now elmllarly euicaved for the County and Horoue-a Council! of MoABBOUthahlre, PERSONALLY I'NDERTAKB--* OENFA LOGICAL. TOPOGRAPHICAL, and HISTORICAL INVK8T1GATKJN9 amonff Ancient Ifocumenta in London and the Country.—Addrtee 7J. Cornhlll, B.C. MR. L. O0LLRTON, 92, Piccadilly, London {Htmherof BnfMlBh and Foreign Antiquarian Societies., under- take* the furnl.hlnir of KxtncU from Parish Ken-la term Copiet or A bit me u from Willi, Chancery Proceeding, and other Record • awful (or Geneal< ftical evidence* in England. Scotland, and Ireland Ahl.rcviated Latin Document* Copied. Extended an<1 Translated Porefirn Hetearrhci cttrHed out. RnqHlrlet Invited. Mr Culletoo'i Private collection* are wottn consuUInc for Cine* Antiquarian and Helen title Material searched lor and cooled at is.*- Nrltlth Museum and other ArcblTea. " Kxtmlne well your )>|nod He From John ol Gftonc doth bring hl» p«dlBree."—«HAKnpKAa& A NCKSTRY, Knprlish,Scotch. Irihh. and American, /» TRACK!) from KTATK KRCrHtDS Uneelalltr • Wnt of Bnfflmawl anil Btniicr^nt Pamill«i.-Mr. UBYNRLL-UFHAM, 7 Camednd' ' Kxeter. and 1, Upham Park Koad.Chliwlck London W OOK8.—ALL OUT-OF-rRINT BOOKS • matter on what ftuhject. Achnowledrf.1 the world ,..-. a* the most expert Honkflnder* extant. Plemae »ute wanu— HAKKH8 Great Hookahop li-l«. John Bright Street Hirinlnrhani B T'HE BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded 1837. Patron-HER MAJESTY QUBBN ALRXANDRA. Inveated Capital, 30 0001. A UNIQUE INVESTMENT Offered to London HookaeUereand their AatlgtanU. A younic man or woman of twenty five can Inveat the Bum of Tweaty Gulneaa tor It* <qu<valent by instalment*) and obtain the right to peuii'lpatf In the lolluwlnt; auvaotairea: — i nisi Freedom from want In time of advertlty aa lone aa aeci Permanent Relief In Old A». THIRD Medical Advice by Eminent Phyaldaneand Rnrnone FOURTH. A Collate In the Country (Abbot* Lan«ley. Hertlord.hire) for a«»n Members, with garden produce, coal and mrdlcal attendance fri'i- in addition to an annuity F1F1H. A Furnished Houae In the earne Retreat at Ahbota Lanrler for the free oae of Member* anil their Fannlle* fur Holiday* or dorina- Convalescence. SIXTH. A contribution toward. Funeral Kjpenie* when It I. needed. HKVBNTH All theae are available not for Member* onlv butalao for th»lr wive* or Widows and Yoana; Children EIGHTH The of the au'.acriptlon* confer* an absolate rliiiit to these ijenetits In all caeea of need. For furUier Information apply to the Secretary, Mr. GBORQB LABNBR. 2S. Paternoater Kow. B.C. T'HE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LBADKNHALL I'HESs. Ltd . Publlaher*aad Printer* W. Leaaenhall street. London. EC., Contalna halrleae paper, over which the pen .IIP* with reflect freedom, sixpence each «j per douen, ruled or plain. New I'ocan •lie. 9*. per doiea, ruled or plain. Author* ahould Bole that The Leadenhell Preaa. I.ti , eanawt M reiiponaible for the lo** ol MhS. by tire or otherwue Imollcai ahoold be retained. k^TICKPHAST PAbTK is miles better than Gam •troop. B'efal Urmh mot a Toj> Kvadtwo »t&niM tn «*- lor a .ample Hottle. Ineio^aBK Bnt.h. rt-tory. Sat-ir ..^. ^ Leadenh.ut street, B.C. Of all Btatlonert. Miekphatt Pact* ttiea* tonahlv K^rnNhed Riitiorlloom and One KeJroom. Pl ' anit ,-.-i.ti.,! TKfalU. . ' No oxten taien.- K. H.. «i, Grove Bill Head, Tanbnd.«


ii FRANCIS. Printer ol the Jtliruioxu. XM. m.l <j*<r,,, ft la prepared to srBMIT R<TIIIATat> for all Ho", ol HtJUK 'NKW? aad PKHlolUCAL PB1ST1SO. - U, bream l Balldljin. Ckaaean Lane, B.C. "• V^M