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. iv. NOV. 11, iocs.] NOTES AND QUERIES. NOTES AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION to NOTES AND QUERIES free by post it 10*. 3d. for Six Month* ; or "0*. 6d. for Twelve Months. Including the Volume Index.—JOHN (.:. FRANCIS, .Vi'ff. aittf Uu«tt>« Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. PATIENT (PAYING) could be TAKEN by a DOCTOR at BRIGHTON. Honse ipaclouB and splendidly limited. Every comfort and medical care.—Apply, in first Instance, to Box 501, Athenaeum Press, 13, Bream's Baildinfcs, Chancery Lane, B.C. MR. L. CULLBTON, 92, Piccadilly, London (Member of English and Foreign Antiquarian Societies), under- takei the furnishing of Extracts from Parish Registers. Copies or Abstracts from Wills, Chancery Proceedings, and other Kecordi useful for Genealogical evidence* in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Abbreviated Latin Document* Copied, Extended, and Translated. Foreign Researches carried out. Rnquirles invited. Mr. Culleton'i Private Collections are worth consulting for Cluei. 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Bngar Loaf Court, Lead«nhall Street, B C. Of alt Stationers. Htlekphast Paste sticks. NOW READY, price lOt. 64. net. THK NINTH SERIES B N B B A L W NOTES AND INDEX QUERIES. With Introduction M JOSEPH KNIOHT, F.8.A. Thla Index la double tbe tlxe ol previous onei, •• It cnnulne. In addition to the usual Index of Subjects, tbe Names and Pseudonyms of Wrltera. with a List of their Contributions. Th« number of constant Contributors exceed* eleven hundred. The Publisher reserves the right of Increasing; the price of the Volume at any time. Ilia1 number printed Is limited, and the tjpe has beeo distributed. Free by post, 10>. in. JOHN C. FRANCIB, KMri <••••' Qiurie> Office, Bream's Buildings. B.C. THIRD EDITION, Revised to 190*, fcap. 8vo, cloth, price Sixpence. ASTRONOMY for the YOUNG. By W. T. I/TNN, B.A. F.H.A.B. London: BAMCEL BAGSTEB £ SONS, LIMITED, IS, Paternoster Bow.