Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/662

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552 Notes and Queries, Jan. 27.1MM. INDEX. to Going a-gooding, St. Thomas's Day custom, 527 Goldsmith (Oliver), the origin of 'She Stoops Conquer,' 261, 317 Goodson (Charlotte), of London, 1795, 409 Goodwin (Gordon), on Charles Keade's grandmother, 190, 296 Goodwin (Robert), of Derry, c. 1634, 366 Gordon (James), laird of Ellon, Aberdeenshire, 68 Gordon (Thomas), Dutch Consul-General at Leith, 328, 397, 454 Gordon of the West Indies, d. 1838-44, 108, 275 Gore (C. F.), her 'Adventures in Borneo,' 7 Gore (J. EUard) on Robespierre's arrest and the moon, 286 Goring (Charles) and Dr. Johnson's ' Irene,' 509 Gorleston, seven sacrament font at, 386 Gosselin-Grimshawe (H. 11. I!.) on Lamb's grand- mother, 414 Gough (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1710, 449 Gould (I. Chalkley) on Civil War earthworks, 328 Detached belfries, 290 Pleshey fortifications, 116 Ythanoester, Essex, 90 Gower (R. V.) on public meeting, 213 Grab, Bombay, a coasting vessel, 107, 177 Graham family Bible, 207 Grange (Lady), her place of concealment, 69, 136 Grant (General, U.S.), his English ancestry, 47 Grassi (F.) on quotations wanted, 463 Gray (A. B.) on Bowtell family, 29 Gray (Gilbert), Principal of Marischal College, Aber- deen, 307 Great Queen Street, No. 56, celebrities connected with, 326, 414 Green (C.) on French Revolution pottery, 292 Green (Everard) on Thomas Pounde, S.J., 472 Greene (Robert),his prose works, 1,81,162,224,227,483 Grenefeld (William), Archbishop of York, his registers, 167, 235 Grey (Admiral John) and the relief of Derry, 428 Greyfriars burial-ground, 205, 253, 362 Grigor (J.) on lonning, 70 Scotch burial custom, 76 Grin (Geoffrey), his ' Khyming Reminiscences and Comical Couplets,' 428 Groatie Buckie, myth connected with the, 530 Grosart (Dr.), bis edition of Herrick, 482 Grosseteste, pronunciation of the name, 353 Grosvenor or Gravenor (Joane), o. 1601, her bio- graphy, 308 Gruselier (Gregory) on caravanserai to public-house, 308 Registers of St. Kitts, 327 Gulls, weather rime on, 406 Gunning (Elizabeth), Duchess of Hamilton and Argyll, her marriage, 384 Guydickens (Melchior), Envoy Extraordinary to H. (A. M.) on God's Blessing Farm, 428 H. (A. O.) on general officers, 107 H. (B.) on Albigna, 488 H. (C. S.) on Benson Earle Hill, 51 H. (F.) on Laying : Tering, 509 H. (G. H.) on Sir Francis Drake and Cbigwell Bow, 230 H. (H. H.) on Nelson's uniform, 326 H. (H. K.) on Paul family, 212 H. (J. E.) on American Civil War verses, 229 H. (M. F.) on 'The Fortune Teller,' 390 Shakespeare at Wilton House, 365 H. (P. F.) on Incledon : Cooke, 92 H. (R. P.) on Hooper: Long, 215 H. (S.) on lonning, 70 Light Dragoons, 4th, their uniform, 132 Pleshey fortifications, 116 Ythancaeater, Essex, 90 H. (T. W.) on Boninge of Ledsum, 10 H. (W.) on Hooper : Long, 127 H. (W. B.) on George III.'s daughters, 236 Premonstratensian abbeys, 231 H. (W. R.) on Nelson's signal, 370 Testout, 297 Haakon VII., derivation of the name, 466 Haes (H.) on author sought, 487 Hagbush Lane, ancient pack-horse road, 295 Haile (B. John), o. 1521, his biography, 388 Haines (Reginald) on Du Bartas, 348 Hair-cutting and moon superstition, 29, 116, 173, 234 Hair-powdering closets, 349, 417, 453 Haley (F. G.) on ' Zapata's Questions,' 612 ' Jenetta Norweb,' a lost book, 437 Hall (A.) on Dover pier, 491 Pig : swine : hog, 510 Wace on the battle of Hastings, 38 Hall (Capt. H. K.) on portraits in 'Town and Country Magazine,' 464 Hall (R. V.) on officers of State in Ireland, 119 Halley (Dr. Edmond), bibliography, 626 Ham, his wife, Hebrew tradition, 429 Handford on Lundy Island, 16 Harben (H. A.) on Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, 276 Harding family, 289 Hardingcourt on Dummer family, 230 Harding family 289 Hare and Easter, their association, 306 Harland-Oxley (W. E.) on Academy of the Motel, 177 Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, 230 Houses of historical interest, 486 Incledon: Cooke, 92 Jiggery-pokery, 166 Sanderson (Henry), clockmaker, 275 ' Streets of London,' 50 Harley (Robert), Earl of Oxford, his biography, 206, 317 St. Petersburg, 470, 537 Gypsy on correct, 189 Gytha, mother of Harold II., 168, 232 H. on George III.'s daughters, 291 'Oxford Ramble,'43 Parliamentary whips, 607 Tufnel family, 438 H. (A.) on Hollicke or Holleck, co. Middlesex, 77 H. (A. C.) on Hearsey: Gavine, 128 Harold II., his mother Gytha, 168, 232; and the Royal Houses of England, Denmark, and Russia, 188, 276 Harper (C. G.) and Welsh mutations, 286 Harriet, Joseph Lancaster and, 29 Harris (C. S.) on " Tertias of foot," 12 Harrison (Sir John), of Balls Park, Herts, 68, 132 Hart (H. C.) on Robert Greene's prow works, 1, 81, 162, 224, 483 Shakespearian*, 234, 443