Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/529

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 2 1, 1914.



looks recently published :

Black's (W. G.) Glasgow Cross, with a Sug- gestion as to the Origin of Scottish Market

Crosses, 400 Book- Auction Records, edited by F. Kars-

lake, Vol. X. Parts II. and III., 180 Book-Prices Current, Vol. XXVII. Parts III.

and IV., 159 Bradley's (H.) A New English Dictionary:

Several-Shaster, 78 Calendar of the Fine Rolls preserved in the

Public Record Office: Vol. IV. Edward

III., A.D. 1327-37, 418 Calendar of Letter-Books preserved among

the Archives of the Corporation of the

City of London : Letter-Book L, edited by

R. R. Sharpe, 179, 246, 313 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State

Papers relating to the Negotiations between

England and Spain : Vol. IX. Edward VI.,

1547-9, edited by M. A. S. Hume and

R. Tyler, 239 Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in

the Public Record Office: Henry III.,

1266-72, 33 ; Edward III. Vol. XIV.,

1367-70, 118 Calendar of State Papers (Foreign Series) of

t/he Reign of PJlizabeth : January-June,

1583, edited by A. J. Butler and S. C.

Lomas, 239 Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts

existing in the Archives and Collections of

Milan, Vol. I., edited by A. B. Hinds, 159 Cambridge History of English Literature:

Vol. X. The Age of Johnson, 457 Cambridge Medieval History: Vol. II. The

Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation

of the Western Empire, 498 Charters : British Borough Charters, 1042-

1216, by A. Ballard, 118 Cieza de Leon's (Pedro de) The War of

Quito ; and Inca Documents, trans, by C. R.

Markham, 139 Clapham (A. W.) and W. H. Godfrey's

Some Famous Buildings and their Story,


Craigie's (Dr.) Icelandic Sagas, 39 Deloney (Thomas), Works of, ed. by F. O.

Main, 138 Dickens (Charles), The First Editions of the

Writings of, by J. C. Eckel, 478 Dictionary of National Biography, Index

and Epitome of the Second Supplement, 419 Eckel's (J. C.) The First Editions of the

Writings of Charles Dickens, 478 Eden's (r 1 . S.) Ancient Stained and Painted

Glass, 39 English Illustrated Dictionary British

Empire Universities Modern, with a

Reference Library and Treasury of Facts,

edited by E. D. Price and H. T. Peck, 439 Nngliahwoman's Year-Book, 1914, 519 Kscott's (T. H. S.) Anthony Trollope : his

Work, Associates, and Literary Originals,


Fabre, Poet of Science, by C. V. Legros, 258 Fishwick's (II.) The Survey of the Manor of

Rochdale in the Countv of Lancaster, 1626,


Folk-Lore, Vol. XXIV. No. I., 219 Frost's (W. A.) Bulwer Lytton, Errors of his

Biographers, 279

Books recently published:

Gardner's (A.) Within our Limits, 139

Godfrey's (W. H.) Survey of London, 110

Goodall's (A.) Place-Names of South- West Yorkshire, 299

Greenwood's (A. D.) Horace Walpole's World, 18

Hall's (E. V.) The Romance of Wills and Testaments, 180

Hall's (H.) Westminster Cathedral, 279

Jacobs's (R.) Covent Garden, 98, 104

Johns's (Dr.) Ancient Babylonia, 39

Journal of the Royal Institution of Corn- wall, Vol. XIX. Part II., 259

Lancashire Place-Names, A Handbook of, by J. Sephton, 218

Leeper's (A.) A Plea for the Study of the Classics, 338

Legros's (C. V.) Fabre, Poet of Science, 258

London : Survey of London, Vol. IV. Chelsea, Part II., by W. H. Godfrey, 199

Lytton (Bulwer), Errors of his Biographers, by W. A. Frost, 279

Main's (F. O.) The Works of Thomas Delonev, 138

Markham's (C. R.) The War of Quito, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon, and Inca Docu- ments, 139

Meehan's (J. F.) A Few of the Famous Inns of Bath, 219

Milne's (J.) Aberdeen, 59

Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 159

Murray's (Sir J. A. H.) A New English Dic- tionary : Tombal-Trahysh, 358

Naville's (E.) Archaeology of the Old Testa- ment, 440

Nelson's (P.) Ancient Painted Glass in Eng- land, 1170-1500, 497

New English Dictionary : Several-Shaster, by H. Bradley, 78 ; Tombal-Trahysh, by Sir J. A. H. Murray, 358

Nicoll's (Sir W. R.) A Bookman's Letters, 458

Norman's (P.) Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogues Drawings of Old London, 419

Parry's (Rev. J.) Researches in Aryan Philology, 400

Pearce's (E. H.) Sion College and Library, 19

Pettman's (Rev. C.) Africanderisms, 138

Poincare's (R.) How France is Governed, 239

Kendall's (E. D. and G. H.) Recollections and Impressions of the Rev. J. Smith, Assistant Master of Harrow School, 278

Ruppin's (A.) The Jews of To-day, 59

Sephton's (J.) A Handbook of Lancashire Place-Names, 218

Shakespeare : Burbage and Shakespeare's Stage, by Mrs. C. C. Stopes, 319

Sion College and Library, by E. H. Pearce, 19

Smith (Rev. John), Assistant Master at Harrow School, Recollections and Im- pressions of, by E. D. and G. H. Rendall, 278

Spurgeon's (Dr. Caroline) Mysticism in English Literature, 39

Steeves's (H. R.) Learned Societies and English Literary Scholarship in Great Britain and the United States, 399

Stopes's (Mrs. C. C.) Burbage and Shake- speare's Stage, 319

Tearle's (C.) The Pilgrim from Chicago, 499

Thompson's (H.) English Monasteries, 39