Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/533

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914



Ellis (Deputy J.) and Miss Boydell, 1786, 507

Elphin, John Hodson, Bishop of, 268

Ely Chapel, the registers of, 12, 73

Elzevir bibliography, 209, 250, 312

Emeritus Professors, use of the title, 250

Empress as a surname, 106

"* Encyclopaedia Britannica,' a slip in, 187

English as spoken in Dublin, 467

" Entente Cordiale," earliest use of the phrase,

47, 474

" Entitled "=" liable," as interchangeable, 150 Entomological pins, date of invention, 270 "" Eowestre " and " Yousters," meaning of the

words, 107, 173 j


His time was short, his touch was neat, 246 Lucas evangelii et medicinae munera pandit,


Epitaph : in Fordwich Church, Kent, 505 ; in Welwyn Churchyard, 505 ; on Cardinal New- man, 34 ; on the Rev. J. Adams, 1813, 65

Epitaphs :

Beneath yon waves liow many seamen sleep,

505 Siste gradum viator, siste, quid properas ?

8, 97 Erasmus's ' Paraphrase upon the New Testament,'


Erskine (Lady Frances), her descendants, 390, 451 ~' Esquire," title conferred by charter, 377 Eton, Duke of Wellington at, 346 Etymological error, Ireland =Eierland, 146 Evolution, Maimonides and, 47, 152 Ewing family of Ireland, 33

Ezekiel (Abraham Ezekiel), 1757-1806, Exeter engraver, 369, 494

" Fahnenschwingen," practised by Van Helmont,


" Fairy-tales," earliest use of the word, 249, 298 " Faithful Durhams," nickname of 68th Durham

L.I., 30

Falconar (C.), Westminster scholar, 1776, 208 Falkner (H.), Cambridge scholar, 1778, 90 Fane, Vane, Vaughan, surnames, 117 Fane and Vane families, arms of, 273 Farley (W.), Westminster scholar, 1806, 208 Farmer (Capt. G.), monument to, 467 Fawcett (R. T.), Westminster scholar, 1808, 208 Fearnside (T. R.), Westminster scholar, 1811, 208,

Fearnside (W. G.), Westminster scholar, 1807,

208, 448

Fearon (T.), Westminster scholar, 1783, 208, 448 Fell (John), Westminster scholar, 1733, 448 Fell (R.), Westminster scholar, 1739, 448 Fenwick (J.), Westminster scholar, 1763, 448 Fenwick (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1717, 448 Fenwick (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1720, 448 Fenwick (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1772, 448 Ferguson (Col. A. T.), of Kentucky, c. 1856, 250,

318 Ferrara (Andrea) and the Freemasons' sword,

469, 517

Ferrers (Earl of), his execution, 1760, 287 Filet-work, or lacis, mediaeval, 108, 194, 473 "Fill the bill," phrase explained, 390 " Finger board " in churchwardens' accounts,

1723, 68, 514

Finlay (R.), Westminster scholar. 1821. 208

Finlay (T.), Westminster scholar, 1822, 208 .

Fire and new-birth of seeds, 325, 376, 418, 454

" Firing-glass," its name and use, 429, 475

Fish shops of old London, 85, 174

Fish Street Hill, its residents, 469, 516

" Fisul," meaning of the word, 426

" Five Wounds," representations of, 107, 176,

F7217, 236, 258, 337, 457

Flemming (Gilbert), Westminster scholar, 1742, 74

Fleury (J. de), artist, c. 1850, 30

" Flewengge," meaning of the word, 449, 494

Flower, pink, in the wheat, its name, 467, 516


Boys hTpetticpats, 58

Dancing on Midsummer Eve, 58

" Duck feast," Great Charlton, Wilts, 103

Food offering to the dead, 77

Hares as human food, 346

Hat thrown into a house, 288, 336, 377

Horses, white, and with white feet, 353

Number 13 on houses, 347, 393, 434

Raising feast, building custom, 32, 57, 77, 134

Teething, horse's hairs worn during, 106

Trees growing from graves, 425. 494

Twitching, divination by, 187, 237, 273, 280,

417, 471

Unicorn's horn, remedy against poison, 16, 33 Wedding-pieces, 48, 276

Folkestone cross, perron or steps of, 331, 398 Fonts, two in Wargrave churchyard, 108 Foodjqffering to the dead, 77 Fordwich Church, Kent, epitaph in, 505 Forsyn cum Blakaham, locality of, 408 " Forty Five "rebellion and Court Rolls, Skerton,


Fox (C. J.), his Avidow's diary, 487 Fox (Sackville), Westminster scholar, 1722, 16 Fox-Strangways (Brigadier-General T.), killed at

Inkermann, 1854, 269

Fradswell, Jane Cromwell's epitaph at, 8, 97 Freedom of the City of London, women admitted

to, 206 ' Freeman's Journal,' Irish newspaper, 1763-1913,

321, 344, 363, 383 Freemasons, the state sword by A. Ferrara, 469,


" Freke Friday," dancing on, 468 Fresco, Gozzoli, in Florence, 130 " Frilleroy," meaning of the word, 426 Frith, silhouette artist, c. 1850, 149, 197 Fruit trees, list of, 1753, 26 ' Fruitless Precaution,' tale published c. 1657,

89, 152, 196 ' Fudge in Ireland,' 1822, by A. M. Graham,

329, 376 Fulling (Thomas), c. 1771, his ancestry, 510

Gabriel (Louis), artist, c. 1780, 509 ' Gadara,' a poem, 1853, 249, 318 " Gadareilie," meaning of the word, 290 Gage (Sir Henry), 1645, verses on, 326 ' Galerie des Arts,' full title of, 289 Galiarbus, Duke of Arabia, his history, 347, 416 Galileiana, 229, 268

Galton (Sir Francis) in the Sudan, c. 1844, 29 Games : balloni, 1768, 468 ; " He " in game of " touch," 34, 115 ; loriot, 427 ; royal game of goose, 54 ; smuggle the geg or keg, 209, 274