Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/96

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. vm. AUG. 2, 1913.

KONKANI MS. Can any of your readers tell me if a long MS. bearing the following title is of any special importance ?

" Discurso sobre avinda de lesu Christo nosso Salvador ao mundo Dividido em Dovs TRATADOS. Feito pello P. Thomas Estevao Inglez de Com- panhia de Jesus Imprensso em Bachol com- plicencia das Inquizic,ao e Ordinario no Collegio detodos os santos da Cornp a de Jesus anno de 1616."

It is a MS., bound in three volumes, in Konkani, a kind of Marathi dialect, but of mixed idiom. Konkani is also called Goanese. FREDERICK A. FLOYER, B.A. Oxford Union Society.

HAMILTON. Can any reader tell me where I may obtain information as to the ancestors of Claud Hamilton of Blackhole, Scotland, who married Janet Orr, and whose daughter Marion married, in 1633, Robert Alexander of Blackhouse and Boghall, Ayrshire, and Newtoun, Renfrewshire ? Claud Hamilton is buried in the graveyard of Paisley Abbey. The arms on his tomb are almost obliterated, but three objects that look like roses or shells can still be distinguished.


Airdrie, Paoli, Pennsylvania.

STREET-NAMES. I am greatly interested in the origin and history of street-names, and wish to obtain particulars of any litera- ture on the subject. In addition to the articles in ' N. & Q.,' I am aware of the following : ' Names of our Streets ' in ' Curiosities of Literature ' (Disraeli), vol. iii. : 'London Street-Names' (F. H. Habben), 1896 ; ' Greenock Street-Names, their His- tory and Romance/ by Gardner Blair, with an Introduction by Sir Hugh Shaw-Stewart, crown 8vo, cloth, illustrations, Greenock, 1907, J, ARDAGH,

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be grateful for information about the following names : (1) Charles William Leslie Assey, who was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge, 19 Feb., 1831 ; (2) Robert Alexander, born 13 Oct., 1792, who became a cadet in E.I.C.S. (Madras), circa 1812 ; (3) Henry Falkner, who became a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1778 ; and (4) Bedingfield Pogson, who was admitted to Westminster School 23 Sept., 1765. G. F. R. B.

THE OLD ENGLISH Bow. Is it a fact that the bow with which so many battles were won by English bowmen was in- variably made of yew ? There are some who do not believe this altogether, and assert the

best bows were of elm. There is an elm which goes by the name of bow-elm, which is largely used in the making of chairs. Bow-elm is also known as the female elm, that is an elm but half grown, when it is stronger and more elastic and pliable than when fully matured. A full-grown elm arries the name of naff or naft elm, at which stage it is the best for making the naves of wheels into which the spokes are set.


[Bows of yew were accounted the best ; but lest the stock should be exhausted only the best archers were allowed to have them. The rest in about the proportion of four to one had bows of elm and other woods.]

DURHAM, 1469. In the ' Coventry Leet Book,' p. 346, there is an entry referring to the numerous rebellions in England in 1469, among others that of the Lancastrian Nevilles, Humphrey and Charles, in the North, and the execution of the ringleaders. Coupled with these is the Bailiff of Durham, who was also beheaded. What part did the city of Durham play in this rebellion, and who was the bailiff in question ?


THE FAMOUS CORNISH REGIMENT OF 1643. There has lately come into my possession a little book entitled ' The Legion of the Unconquered Dead : a List of the Royal Cornish Regiment of 1643,' by J. C. Whitebrook. The publishers are Messrs. Hutchings & Romer of Great Maryborough Street. London, and the year of publication is 1909. The contents are of special interest, and I shall be glad to know if they have ever been published in any other form.


Carclew, Adelaide, South Australia.

SICILIAN HERALDRY. Where can I find drawings of the arms of the principal old families of Sicily Chiaramonte, Serradifalco, &c. ? SYDNEY HERBERT.

Carlton Lodge, Cheltenham.

CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. Could any of your correspondents give me the names of any book or books giving an account of the constitution-making struggles in England between 1649 and 1653 ? J. W.

OLD HOUSE IN BRISTOL. Where can I find a full account of Canynges House in Redcliffe Street ? I have already referred to Sever's 'Memoirs of Bristol' and Bar- rett's * Antiquities.* M.A.