Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/106

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. m. FEB. 4, 1911.


MB. B. H. BLACKWELL of Oxford, sends his January Clearance List of Classical, Mathematical, and other School-Books. These lists are issued twice a year ; the next will be published in September.

Messrs. Bowes & Bowes include in their Cam- bridge Catalogue 346, under Fiscal Policy, a collection of cuttings, October, 1903 April, 1904, arranged in 13 scrapbooks, 31. 10s. Under Bibliography are " Books about Books," 6 vols., 11. 16s. ; James's ' Manuscripts in the Fitz- william Museum,' and ' Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum.' Under Chaucer is Lintot's folio edition, 1721, II. Is. Under Classical Literature is a collection of over 90 theses issued between 1830 and 1886 on Greek And Latin authors, 6 vols., 4to, 31. 3s. There is A list under Economics and Social Questions. Under England and also under France are many historical works. There are in addition works on India, Ireland, and London. Under Alex- ander Macmillan is ' A Night with the Yankees,' -a lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Cambridge, 30 March, 1868, and privately printed, 10s. Qd. ; and under Malcolm Kingsley Macmillan is ' Selected Letters,' also privately printed, 1893, 21. 2s. Lord Vernon's magnificent edition of Dante, 3 vols., folio, Firenze, 1858-65, is 131. 13s. This was printed for presentation only, and con- tains appendixes with a bibliography.

Mr. L. C. Braun's Catalogue 67 opens with Art and Illustrated Books. There is a fine clean copy of Bewick's ' Fables,' 1820, 21. ; also ' The Looking Glass for the Mind,' 1821, 10s. Qd. Under Leech is ' Young Troublesome,' folio, original boards, 11. 10s. ; under Napoleon, a collection of prints, 15s. ; under South Africa, 11 coloured views, Ackermann, 1818, 12/6 ; and under Uzanne, ' L'Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon,' morocco, 21. 5s. Among Bindings are Aldine Classics, 1540-50, 11 vols., original red morocco, full gilt backs, 4Z. Foreign Literature comprises a hundred items. Works under Occult include Barrett's ' The Magus ; or, Celestial Intelligencer,' 4to, original boards, 1801, 31. There is much of interest under Topography. London includes, Lysons's ' Environs,' 5 vols., 4to, 1810, 21. 10s. ; and Godwin's ' Churches,' 2 vols., half-calf, 1839, 18s. There are many engraved views, including Crosby Hall in 1814 and 1886, and Horwood's 4 Plan,' 1799, 11. 15s. There are also engraved portraits of general interest. In the Addenda are ' The Antiquarian Repertory',' 4 vols., 4to, 1775-84, 11. 5s. ; and Daniel's ' Rural Sports,' 2 vols., 1801-2, with the Supplement, 1813, 3 vols., 4to, 11. 5s. Under India is Malleson's ' History of the Mutiny,' with index by Pincott, 7 vols., 8vo, cloth, 31. 10s.

Messrs. Myers's Catalogue 165 contains the rare first edition of Ainsworth's ' Rookwood ' in the original cloth, 1836, 81. Under Alken are

  • British Proverbs,' 1824, Ql. 15s. ; ' Symptoms of

being Amused,' 1822, 81. ; and ' Specimens of Riding near London,' 1823, 11. 10s. Under Balzac is the Saintsbury edition, large paper (one of 50 copies), 40 vols., 12Z. 12s. A tall copy of Hayward's ' Edward the Sixt,' 4to, calf, 1630", is Ql. Qs. ; and a fine copy of Molire's ' (Euvres/

6 vols., contemporary calf, 1788, Ql. 12s. Qd. Under Stuarts is the Edition de Luxe of Foster, 2 vols., folio, Ql. 10s. There is an extra-illustrated copy of Bleackley's ' Duchess of Hamilton,' 2 vols., green morocco super-extra, 1907, 12Z. 5s. There are works under Africa, Alpine, America, Charles I., Dramatic, and Ireland. Under Dante Ros- setti is his translation of the early Italian poets, first edition, tree calf, 1861, 21. 2s. Under Scottish Market Crosses is Small's work with introduction by Hutcheson, 118 illustrations, folio, 1900,

>y tiv I. Is.

Among Shakespeare items are Frank

Howard's ' Spirit of the Plays.' 483 plates, un- spotted copy, 5 vols., 1833, 21. 5s. r and Hazlitt's reprints of the rare jest-books, 3 vols., 1864, three-quarter levant, 21. 2s. Under Shelley are the letters to Leigh Hunt, edited by Wise, 2 vols. (limited to 30 copies for private circulation), 1894, 11. 5s. (presentation copy to Edward Clodd j from the Editor).

Messrs. Myers also send Catalogue 166, which contains Engraved Views of London. These include Ludgate Hill, large folio, 1795, 21. 2s. ; the Strand in 1763, 11. 5s. ; several of St. Paul's ; and Tottenham Court Road, ' March of the Guards to Finchley,' folio, scarce, 4/. 4s. There are views of Piccadilly, Hyde Park (the grand review, 9 July, 1838), Bloornsbury, Chancery Lane, Islington, Westminster Abbey, St. James's, Vauxhall Gardens, and Knightsbridge Chapel, 1789 (exterior with adjacent old houses and coaching scene, and interior, formerly belonging to the Hospital of Lepers, folio, 4s.).

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

CANON HEWITT. On 28 December, at Grahams- town, South Africa, after a long illness, the Rev. James Alexander Hewitt, Canon of Grahamstown. He was educated at St. Augjistine's College, Canterbury, and received the honorary degree of D.C.L. from the University of the South in 1888. He had been in South" Africa since 1870, and was the author of ' English Church History in South Africa,' 1887. He had sent us contribu- tions from 9 S. vi. to 10 S. viii.

tn (K0msp0tttottts.

We must call special, attention to the following notices:

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries '" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

R. B K( " Westminster Chimes "). Anticipated ante, p. 35.

CORRIGENDUM. P. 66, col. 1, 1. 20 from foot, for " ISwrebaples" read "Sweetaples."