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n s. m. JUNE 24, J9ii.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Being aware of his dramatic talent, Mary engaged him in 1554 to arrange the inter- ludes that were to be represented at Court. It is not, therefore, matter of surprise if lie wrote the concluding prayer on behalf of that queen, though it is thought by some that it was written by some one else, after his death in 1556, in eulogy of Elizabeth. See the article on Udall in the ' D.X.B.'

N. W. HILL. Xew York.

CHABTRES CATHEDRAL (11 S. iii. 448). I have the Abbe Bulteau's description of Chartres Cathedral, and he says that the Middle Ages adorned the figures on the west porch with gilding and bright colours ("des couleurs les plus vives"). The central door still retains traces of colouring in its tympanum ; and the statues of the side porches retain gilding and colouring.

J. D.

Speaking of the west front of Chartres Cathedral, Prof. Lethaby says in ' Medieval Art,' p. 219 : " Here and there are traces that the sculptures were formerly covered with bright colour and gold " ; and these traces of colour are also noticed in M. and E. Marriage's ' The Sculptures of Chartres Cathedral,' p. 21. BEXJ. WALKER.

Gravelly Hill, Erdingfon.

'THE REFUGE,' 1808 (11 S. iii. 248). 4 The Refuge,' published by Whittingham in 1808, was afterwards, I think, issued by Longman under the title ' Refuge : Letters on Happiness to Lavinia.' ' The Guide to Domes- tic Happiness' by the same author appeared in 1778, and again in 1794 in apparently an enlarged form. Some time after 1808 it was issued by Bogue, and subsequently by Longman. No hint of the authorship is anywhere given in catalogues.

T. S. R. W.

BONAR & Co. (11 S. iii. 369, 457). The Thomson Bonar family portraits formerly at Camden Place, Chislehurst, were sold at Christie's on 9 May, 1896, and comprised works by Lawrence, Romney, and Russell. Three of the portraits were bought in, and again put up on 8 May, 1897, when they were sold. Hoppner's portrait of Thomson Bonar was sold at the same place 14 June, 1902.

Some other Bonar family portraits T think miniatures chiefly were recently sold at Christie's, but I do not happen to have the exact date by me. W. ROBERTS.

CHRISTIAN NAMES USED BY BOTH MEN AND WOMEN (US. iii. 387, 456). There is buried in the churchyard here " Christian, wife of Thomas Saddler, who died July ye 27, 1777, aged 56." There is also com- memorated in West Haddon Churchyard, Northamptonshire, Francis Wilcox Gardner (6b. 15 Dec., 1899, aged 39), whom I know to have been a woman.

In Stepney churchyard is a stone to the memory of " Nicholas Ann Aitken, daughter of William and Mary Aitken of Blackwall, who departed this life on the 5th day of April, 1812, aged 26 years." I believe there are many cases recorded of Ann being rsed as a man's name. JOHN T. PAGE.

Long Itehington, Warwickshire.

Neither EL SOLTERO nor any of the writers at the second reference have included the nameof Patience. Though the name is usually borne by a woman (will the late Sir W. S. Gilbert's play be accepted as an authority ?), Sir Patience Ward, Lord Mayor of London in 1680, is an example of this name being bestowed on a man.

The second Earl of Albemarle was William Anne van Keppel (born 1702, died 1754).


To the list supplied by EL SOLTERO may be added the name of Douglas.

F. E. R. POLLARD-URQUHART, 26, Dover Street, W.

[We cannot insert more on this subject.]

ANAXIAS AS A CHRISTIAN NAME (11 S. iii. 266, 333, 395, 453). One Ananias Vate married Maria Poppelton and had a son William Ananias, born at Colombo 28 August, 1851. F. H. DE Vos.

Galle, Ceylon.

[This subject must now also close.]

FIFIELD D'AssiGNY (US. iii. 409, 475). Except as a writer on one particular phase of Freemasonry, this D'Assigny seems to be very little known, though he styles him- self M.D. " A Serious and Impartial Enquiry into the Cause of the Present Decay of Free-Masonry in the Kingdom of Ireland. By Fifield Dassigny, M.D., author of ' The Impartial Answer to the Enemies of Free- Masons,' " wa<? published at Dublin in 1744 n Only three copies of * A serious and Impar- tial Enquiry ' are known to exist ; and no copy of ' The Impartial Answer ' has yet been traced. The former has been re- printed more than once in 1893 in separate form.