Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/510

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Bayley (A. R.) on Sir John Arundel of Clerken- well, 415

Book inscriptions, 492

Byrom (Samuel), 195

Canons, Middlesex : Essex as Christian name, 92

' Church Historians of England,' 374

Dante, Buskin, and a font, 17

Dogs on brasses, 310

Emperor and painter, 296

Gale (Miles), 316

Gentleman: armiger: privilegiatus, 232

Grey (Bishop William) of Lincoln, 317

Haddon (Walter), 171

May Day : May-games : May-poles, 371

Mediaeval " Oberammergaus," 395 < Montfort (Simon de) : translation of French v poem, 297

Murder on Gad's Hill in 1661, 271

Pyrrhus's toe, 131

  • Ralph Roister Doister,' 413

Romney (Sir W..), Lord Mayor, 238

Royal Exchange paving-blocks, 473

Scarborough Spa, 234

Scottish titles conferred by Cromwell, 193

Unicorn in royal arms, 274

Walker (Bishop) of Derby, 277

Wall churches, 435

Bayne (T.) on American words and phrases, 196

Anon, use of the word, 266

Authors of quotations wanted, 313

Brechin, 106

Bright (John), quotations by, 15

Burns and ' The Wee W T ee German Lairdie,' 286, 430

Corn and dishonesty : an honest miller, 12

Cowper's ' Charity' : " Porcelain," 456

Cuckoo and its call, 486

Elze = already, 25, 111

" I fegs," 206

" Love me, love my dog," 52

Pastrana (Miss), 94

Quiroga (Father) and the Thirty Years' War, 452

Smallpox and the stars, 211

" To the West ! To the West ! " 236

Vail : its use by Scott, 86, 175

Wait and see, 434

Wet hay, 53

Bazely (L.) on James Shipdem, 1688, 407 Beauchamp, Freeman, and Lawrence families,

169, 238, 415 Beaufort (Margaret), and motto " Souvent me

souvient," 361, 413

Beaven (A. B.) on Chelsea Hospital, its governors, 278

Clerks of the Parliament, 313 '

Evatt (William), Clerk of the House of Common, 437

High Stewards at the Restoration : Roger Gollop, M.P., 138

Jamineau (Isaac), 73

Mundy (Sir John), 126

Municipal records printed, 494

Romney (Sir W.)> 294

Scottish titles conferred by Cromwell, 417

Wilcox (Alderman), 27 Beazant (H.) on battle of Barnet, 414

Greek Church, Soho, 466

Beckab, 14th-century word, its meaning, 233 Bedford (John, 4th Duke of), Junius on his horse- whipping, 227, 292, 375, 410, 455, 495

Bedford Library, works belonging to, in 1817,


Bedfordshire epitaphs, collection of, 207 Bee-swarms, old methods of taking, 406, 478 Beeching (G. S.) on Philological School, 247 Beefsteak Club of 1710, 117 Belfast, registers c. 1677, 70, 114 ; glass and

porcelain manufactured at, 408, 472 ' Belgravia,' a poem, the author, 329, 377, 439 Bell inscription at Falmouth, 248, 298 Bell-turret, church with wooden, 10, 95, 156 Bells and bell-founders c. 1560, 6 Bells of Quebec Cathedral, 1760, 389 Benjamin (Walter R.), of New York, and Haw- thorne's letters, 189, 393

Bennett (Richard), c. 1850, his ancestors, 228 Bennett (W. A.), c. 1850, his biography, 129 Bense (J. F.) on " Had I Wist," 172

Thread-papers, 90

Bensly (Prof. E.) on adders' fat as cure for deaf- ness, 171

Aristotle on education, 258, 433 Authors of quotations wanted, 136, 177 r

355, 372

Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 383 " Caeqehouias," 58 Carlyle and Charles I., 371 Charades by Col. Fitzpatrick, 356 Cplani and the Reformation, 33 Fires, historic, in ancient Rome, 410 Fishing in classical times, 350, 393 Graduation, early : Gilbert Burnet, John

Balfour, 32, 75 Haddon (Walter), 171 Henningsen (Charles Frederick) and Kossuth,


High Stewards and Recorders at the Restora- tion, 17

Horses taken to church, 318 Lamb, Burton, and Francis Spiera, 61,

212 Latin hexameters by machinery : John,

Peter, 249

" Let us go hence, my songs," 155 Litany, spitting during, 396 " Love me, love my dog," 173 Macaulay and Silius Italicus, 444 Mello (Dom Francisco Manuel de), 178 More (Hannah), portraits, 392 " Musice mentis medicina msestaa," 46 " Passenger " in the ' N.E.D.,' 85 " Put a beggar on horseback," 414 Pyrrhus's toe, 131, 238 Quotations in Jeremy Taylor, 122 Rhubarb : its derivation, 476 Rolle's ' Prick of Conscience,' 458 " Securitas est tutissimum bonum," 465 Sheridan (R. B.) and Bishop Hall, 104 Skolpyne, 335

Smallpox and the stars, 211, 335 Benson (Rev. J.) his sermon on Mrs. Booth,

actress, 146

Bereford, Crevequer of, its locality, 149, 212 Berkshire churchwardens' accounts c. 1800, 164 Berry (H. F.) on municipal records printed, 495 Bethlem Royal Hospital, Moorfields, its history,

167, 254

Bezant, 1761, the term explained, 107, 170 Bible : order for, temp. James I., 284 ; Voltaire

on, 450

Bible, Authorized Version, 1611 : notes on, 101 ; Tercentenary celebrations, 281 ; date of translation, 327, 394