Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/203

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11 S. V. MAR. 2, 1912. ]



Magazines, and in 1837 he. while Dickens was editor, sent two contributions to Bentley's Miscellany. One of these was accepted, and further contributions were invited. From the first he was on the literary, staff of Punch, and he is, Mr. Lehmann tells us. " believed to have helped in the drafting of the prospectus." In 1842 he went up to Edinburgh, having been appointed assistant editor of Chambers's Journal. Not content with this, he fell in love with the sister of William and Robert Chambers, and in 1845 married her. She was much liked by Dickens, full of wit, with a gift for the telling of a Scotch story and the singing of a Scotch song. One of her mots recorded by Mr. Spielmann in his history of Punch refers to a small and spindle- shanked boy in a Highland suit, of whom she remarked that " his legs, no doubt, would be better in the breech than in the observance."

On the founding of The Daily News Wills came to London, and was appointed on the sub-editorial staff. How impossible it was for Dickens to be successful as editor of a daily paper is shown bv a letter he wrote to Wills from The Daily Xews office, Feb- ruary 4th, 1846, only a 'fortnight after its first number had appeared :

'" I dine out to-morrow (Wednesday) and next day (Thursday), and shall not be 'here either c-vening until rather late. Will you have the goodness to let the Sub-Editors know this and as I shall not wish to be detained here unneces- sarily, to ask them to have ready for me anything (if anything) requiring my attention.

" You may tell them at the same time, if you please, that I shall not be here, generally, on Sunday nights ; and I shall always wish to let them know of the general arrangements for Sunday nights, on Friday before I go away."

If anything spelt failure for such a gigantic enterprise as that of a new daily paper, surely such a plan of editing did.


(To be continued.}



THE following MS. insertions in the margins of a Missal printed in 1504 appear to be of sufficient interest to be preserved in a printed form. St. Werburgh, whose day is 3 Feb- ruary, does not appear in any of the ordinary English Calendars, nor have I seen any proper mass for her, except the one here printed. St. Chad seems to have come into the Calendars in the fifteenth century,

and his name is often inserted secunda manu. At the same time proper masses were pro- vided, but the one here given is quite dif- ferent from Sarum, York, or Hereford. As the note on fo. Ixxvj mentions a suit of velvet bought of St. Werburgh's, and the hanging of the bells of All Saints, both of which dedications occur in Derby, these two masses were probably compiled for use in one or more of the Derby churches.

The last note forms a curious and perhaps not wholly superfluous addition to the Cautelce Missce.

Missale Sarum, Pynson, 1504, 10 kal. Jan. r

Sanctorale, fo. C.xxj. In possession of the Rev. R. F. Taylor, 1912.

Commune Sanctorum, fo. xv. In commemoracione Sancte Wereburge. Oracio. Deus qui beatam et sanctam Were- burgam pro integritatis suse custodia ad supernam evexisti felicitatem [me]ritis intervenientibus & nobis mentium praesta puritatem & sanctorum tuoruiu societatem [conclusion cut away], fo. xi. Euangelium. Simile est regnum celorum decem virginibus. Offertorium. Offerentur minus. Secreta. Sacra? virginis tuae domine Wereburge [ ] et hanc tibi restat hostiam placabilem et

veniam nobis impetret optabilem per dominum. Communio. Diffusa est g[ratia in labiis tuis. Postcommunio]. Sumpta sacramenta tua domine nobis utriusque vitae conferant reinedia et sancte Wereburge merita ad [ ]

Fo. C.xxj ad calcem. In commemoracione Sancti Cedde. Oracio. <Deus r qui sanctorum tuorum nieritis^ ecclesiam toto orbe diffusam decorasti praesta quaesumus ut intercessione beatissimi Cedde episcopi in sorte iustorum tua opitu- lan[te pietate] sentiamus per dominum. Secreta. Oblata domine que tibi offerimus pie deuocionis intentu in honore sanctissimi Cedde episcopi sanctiftca [et purificatos] nos ea percipere tua faciat gracia in omnibus ubique laudanda. per dominum. Postcommunio. Saciati domine munerum tuorum donis auxilium gracie [ 1

impende et auribus tue pietatis nostras miserando preces benigne exaudi. ut meritis nostri presulis et summi pastoris inter [ ].

A few words are in the margin opposite- to the printed heading of the mass of St. Chad, faint, mutilated, and not made out.

De Tempore. Fo. Ixxvj.

Memorandum. xvj u day of y 6 Mony3th of October in y* h[ere ] lorde god M 1 Dxxx u

the grytt byelle of sint [ ] Darb. was halot

in y honor of ^hc

Memorandum. y 8 ij day (of Monyjth) of februare in ye here of [ ] M 1 D xxxiij 1 ' y e

swthe of thy [thin ?] velvyt [ ] bo3ht y" price xxviij"! of sint Warb.

Memorandum. y e xv day (of Mony3th y" ) of December in y e here of [ ] M 1 D xxxvij*'

v bellys of All sintes in [ ] wer hynggyt vp-

in j nwe stepul [ ]..