Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

Harris (H. A.) on tigers' whiskers, 234

Harrison (H.) on " Jerry-builder," 415. Leitner

453. Penge as a place-name, 434 Harrovian on rebellion at Eton, 90 Harting (Hugh) on Lilian Adelaide Neilson, 453 Hayllar (Jessie H.) on authors wanted, 117 Hay ward (Philip J.) on Wyvill of Constable

Burton, 135

Heffer (B.) on Richard Belhan, jun., 449 Herrick (J. T. F.) on Herrick, 229 Hibgame (Frederick T.) on sticking-plaster

portraits, 153 Hie et Ubique on authors wanted, 228. ' Comi

Arundines Cami,' 77

Hill (N. W.) on author of song wanted, 268.

' Aviatik," 370. " Consumption " and

' lethargy " : their meaning in the seventeenth

century, 489. Erzenim, 417. " Fly " : the

' hackney," 494. Penge as a place-name, 433.

' Popinjay " : " Papagei," 197. " Spinet," 55.

' Stateroom " =a passenger's cabin. 307. Three

Pigeons, Brentford, 187

Hillman (E. Haviland), F.S.G., on Brown family

in Scotland, 349. Willett (John) of London,

merchant, 11

Hip well (Daniel) ori anomalies in the peerage,


Braithwaite (J. B.), 118. Family of J. M. W. Turner, 165. Gaskin (Bev. John), 318. Bosen- hagen (Bev. Philip), 135 Hobbs (J. H.) on " Severe," 389 Hoby (Charles) on Hoby : Poulett, c. 1600, 310 Hodgson (S.) on Anerley, 228 Hodson (Leonard J.) on old family church livings,

497 Hogben (J.) on ' On the Banks of Allan Water,'

168 Hollis (C. J.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Hopwood (H. V.) on accidental likenesses, 438 Horton (C.) on illustrations to J. C. Hotten's

edition of ' German Popular Stories,' 208 Houston (Edward) on William Letheuilier, 95 Howes (C. J.) on biographical information wanted,


Huck (Thomas W.) on bookworms : remedies

i gainst them, 470. Society for Constitutional

Information, 30

Hulme (E. Wyndham) on anastatic printing, 13 Humphreys (A. L.) on altars of antiquarian interest, 492. Anecdotes of monkeys, 518. Authorized Version of the Bible, 178. " Bete du GeVaudan," 350. Bibliography of Spanish literature, 397. Carey's (Sir Bobert) ride, 269. Effect of opening a coffin, 91, 113, 295, 471. George Inn, Borough, 255. Harlington, Middle- sex, 510. " Jennings property," 433. Maria the Jewess, 151. Newspaper placard, 129. Society for Constitutional Information, 11. Supposed miscarriage of justice, 413 Hunt (Hubert W.) on Bobert Lucas de Pearsall,

musical composer, 458

Hurry ( Jamieson B.), M.D., on " vicious circle," 90 Hytch (F. J.) on illustrations to J. C. Hotten's edition of ' German Popular Stories,' 315. Macaulay's Prince Titi, 297


Ibbotson (Private L. P.) on Charles Lamb and

John Locke, 429 Ingram (J. H.) on Edgar Allan Poe, 51

J. on per centum : the symbol %, 127

J. (G.) on authors wanted, 29

J.(G.),F.S.A., on Thomas Holcroft's descendants: Marsac, 412. Venetian coin inscriptions, 328

J. (W. C.) on Drake's drum, 247

Jacobs (C. W.) on Biver Brent, 447

Jacobs (Beginald) on George Inn, Borough, 138. Old street name-plate, 47. Shades, London Bridge, 110

Jaggard (Lieut. W.) on author wanted, 110. 'Blazon of Gentrie,' 196. "Entire," 518. Goats with cattle, 16. ' Meteor, or Monthly Censor,' 78. Othello, 16. Othello : Gabriel Chapuys's translation, 315. ' Passionate Pil- grim,' 138. Shakespeare portrait, 418

Jaiison (F. Arthur) on author wanted, 136

Jay (Frank) on mid-nineteenth-century literature for boys, 188

Jeffery (F. Bonald) on " Severe," 516

Jenkins (Bhys) on Sir Bobert Mansel, Kt., 438. Newcome's School, Hackney, and Samuel Morland, 458

Jesson (Thomas) on H. T. Wake, 53

Johnson (H.) on Bosicrucians, 70

Johnson (Prof. H. H.) on ' Ladies of Castellmarch,' 53

Johnston (Alfred W.) on folk-lore at sea : the rabbit in Britain, 394

Johnston (F. A.) on Johnstone of Lockerbie, 419

Jonas (Alfred Chas.),F.S.A.,pn Allan Bamsay, 175

Jonas (Maurice) on Bandello in Spanish, 1584, 468. ' Decamerone,' 126. Othello : Gabriel Chapuys, 212. ' Passionate Pilgrim,' 59

Jones (Tom) on Chanelhouse : Ion : Ormondy : Twisaday, 351. Eighteen seventies : ' Pinafore ' and tennis, 252. Gunfire and rain, 57


C. (J.) on Patterson family, 130 ' (L. L.) on Dr. Charnock's library, 268, 489. Emerald and chastity, 125. " Fly " : the " hackney," 399. Foreign editions of Dr. Edward Browne's ' Travels,' 461. Formality at Oxford and Cambridge in the fifteenth century, 367. " Harpastum " : football, 165. Hymn-tune ' Presburg,' 409. Knight (George), artist, 337. " L'hyvet," 169. Mack surname, 413. Marble bust of Sir Isambard Brunei by Chantrey, 234. Memory at the moment of death, 178. Old MS. music in Paris, 449. Othello : Gabriel Chapuys's translation, 315. Pialeh Pasha at Chios, 47. Sarum Missal : hymn, 296. Skull and iron nail, 77. " Terra rodata," 238. Treasury notes, 418. " Trefira Saracin," 377. Turkish crescent and star, 255, 435. Visscher's 'View of London,' 206. War and money, 37

. (B.) on authors wanted, 247. Darwin and mutation, 229

Kealy (Bev. A. G.) on " Parted brass-rags," 317. Passage of funeral through church, 30

Kelly (F. M.) on glace kid gloves, 30. Sixteenth- century Dutch print, 49. Some notes on " canions," 162

Kelly (Paul V.) on Chanelhouse : Ion : Ormondy : Twisaday, 275

Kendall ( W. Clement) on Peculiar Court of Snaith : marriage licences, 50