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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. n. AUG. s. iow.

PORTRAIT OF A KNIGHT OF THE GARTER, 1641. I have an old portrait inscribed " Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, ^Etatis 49, an. dom. 1641." He was a Knight of the Garter and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. In the picture lie wears a skull cap, but no trace of the Garter or Chancellorship appears. Can any correspondent explain the absence of any such reference ?


The Manor House, Henbury, Bristol.

"NOTICE" GIVEN OUT OF DOORS. Is it illegal to give a domestic servant, or a children's nurse, notice out of doors, or on a Sunday ? If so, why ? If not, how has the idea arisen ? ALFRED S. E. ACKERMANN.

SIR CHARLES Fox AND THE CRYSTAL PALACE. What part, if any, had Sir Charles Fox in the design or erection of the Crystal Palace (a) on its original site ; (6) on its present site ?


WESTMINSTER VIEWS. On p. 10 of W. J. Loftie's ' Westminster Abbey ' {Seeley, 1890) there is reproduced a view of Great College Street, Westminster, from a drawing by James Miller dated 1781. I should be glad to know where the original drawing may be found, and also of the whereabouts of any other drawings of Westminster by this artist. Two are said by Bryan to be at South Kensington. Where, too, is the original of the very pretty view of Dean's Yard, West- minster, painted by T. Malton in 1793, of which there is a well-known aquatint ?


Savile Club.

TRAVELS IN REVOLUTIONARY FRANCE. I am anxious to find some contemporary travels in France during the Revolution.

In Sir W. Scott's ' Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk,' last letter, occurs a reference to "Travels of two young Scotch [?] gentlemen in 1793," &c., also to the ' Journal of Mr. S n of Edinburgh." I should like the titles of these two books. C. E. H. EDWARDS.

The Corner, Cassio Road, Watford, Herts.

CHRISTOPHER URSWICK. A Hungarian writer, quoting A. Reumont's ' La Biblio- theca Corvina ' (Firenze, 1879), mentions one Christopher Urswick of Bambridge, Abbot of Abingdon, who is stated to have been Henry VIII. 's ambassador to Hungary, and to have received there valuable MSS* from the famous Corvina Library as a present. We know, of course, the famous Dean of

Windsor of that name who, as ambassador from Henry VII. to the King of the Romans,, was at Augsburg in April-May, 1496, but history does not record his name among those of the abbots of Abingdon. Could some kind reader supply the passage in Reumont's book ? There is no copy in the British Museum. L. L. K.

AUTHORS WANTED. Where can I find the following ?

The nectarine and curious peach Into my hands themselves do reach.


Can any of your readers give me the correct wording in French, and the reference, of the following quotation ?

"One is never in love save the first time ; after- wards it is only self-love (amour propre)."

I believe it to be La Rochefoucauld's, but cannot find it in the Maxims.

G. V. FITZGERALD. Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W.

I should be greatly obliged if any one could supply to me the reference to an article upon ' Otho de Grand ison ' which appeared a few I think about four years ago in either a magazine or a volume of essays, &c.


THOMAS P ANTON of Fen Ditton, Cambs r was the son of Thomas Pan ton, " master of the King's running-horses at Newmarket " (' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xviii. 185). Who was his mother, and did he die a bachelor, Nov. 29, 1808 ? G. F. R. B.

JOHN PALMER, ARCHDEACON OF ELY. According to the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xliii. 134, Palmer died in 1614. I should be glad to ascertain the full date of his death, and his place of burial. Can any correspondent of N. & Q.' give me particulars of his parentage ? G. F. R. B.

BAMBRIDGE FAMILY. Can any reader help me as to the parentage of Thomas Bambridge, or Bainbridge, burnt at Win- chester under Bishop White, July, 1558 (see Fox's ' Martyrs,' viii. 490) ? According to the ' Victoria County History of Hamp- shire' (vol. iv., 'Tytherley '), Thomas was son and heir of Roger Bainbridge (In- quisition p.m. Ser. II. xx. viii. 19), who was son and heir of John Baimbridge, who had a grant of the Manor of East Tytherley in 1496 from King Henry VII., and died in 1512.

Thomas Bainbridge (the martyr) appears to have made a settlement of Tytherley upoa