Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/559

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1917.



" Pochivated," term used c. 1600, its meaning, 26,

78 Poe (Edgar Allan), Margaret Gordon, " Betsy "

Bonaparte, and " Old Mortality," 367, 498 Poland, origin of the street-name in London, 490 Poland and Turkey, Voltaire on, 226 Polish word for " Resurrection," 447 Poltimore almshouse, Exeter, inscription at, 71,


Pordage, a priest, 1685, his Christian name, 410 Pork butcher, epitaph on, 188, 259, 298 Porte (De la) family, 1602 to 1760, 448, 533 Portraits, in stained glass, 172, 211, 275, 317,

337, 374, 458, 517 ; theatrical, with tinsel

ornaments, 228, 296 Postal charges in 1847, 90, 198 Poughnill, Ludlow, the location of, 147 Pounds in villages, their construction, 14, 77, 197,

319, 457, 498 Prelates, English, at^the Council of Bale, 28, 74,

Price (Sir Charles), Lord Mayor of London, 1803,

191 Price (Sir Bxabert), Bart., d. 1773, his family,


Price family, arms and crest of, 349, 477 Price, Cleypole, and Cromwell families, 508 " Prine (John), 1568," inscription in Tower of

London, 390, 516 Print of Newland Church, Gloucestershire, 90, 138 ;

of monument in Easebourne Church, 1784, 107,

153 Printed errors, the perpetuation of, 87, 177, 239,

418, 536 Prize at Trinity College, Dublin, 1789, 389, 440,

477 Pronunciation of " ea," 530

Proverbs and Phrases :

As dead as Queen Anne, 57j

Blue pencil, 126, 174, 299

Brilliant second, 148

Coals to Newcastle, 250, 299

Dead season, 147

Dead secret, 107

Donkey's years, 506

Don't be longer than you can help, 227,


Englishman's house is his castle, 17, 59, 218,


Every Englishman is an island, 11, 58, 78 Fare thou well, 288

Give the mitten =giving his conge 1 , 351, 454 Government for the people, of the people, by

the people, 14 Gray's Inn pieces, 509 Growing moon sucks out the marrow of

oxen, 289

Homme sensuel moyen, 148, 295 Honest Injun, 157 How not to do it, 17 I don't think, 1862, 487 Mumbo Jumbo, 47, 114 Xose of wax, 150 Oil on troubled waters, 87, 159 On the fly, 69

One's place in the sun, 170, 218, 319 Patellae dignum operculum, 7, 58 Pigs can see wind, 289, 358, 435 Quite all right, 207, 298 She braids St. Catherine's tresses, 18 Sick as a landrail, 1 1 Similes habent labra lactucas, 7, 58

Proverbs and Phrases:

Taking it out in drink, 487

Talking through one's hat, 449

Tartar's bow, 469

Theages' bridle, 9, 76

Three-a-penny colonels, 18

To burke, 100

To have been in the sun, 170

To war = to grow worse and worse, 328

To weep Irish, 328, 456

Who's Griffiths ? 269

With child to see any strange thing, 171

Written in sunbeams, 170

Prudde (John), " King's glazier," 1440, 430, 517 " Public houses " in London and Westminster,

1701, 449

' Punch,' an artist's signature, his identity, 468 Punch-bowl, glass, arms cut on, 263, 374 Purcell family, 249

Quaker grammar, reason for the use of, 309 Quarter Sessions and penal servitude, 530 Quilt, the third yellow, whereabouts of, 435 " Quite all right," use of the phrase, 207, 298

Quotations :

A fiery ettercap, a fractious chiel, 489

A good fire, a clean hearth, and a merry lass,

266, 398 A lie travels round the world while Truth is

putting on her boots, 489 .... a privilege to kill, A strong temptation

to do bravely ill, 471 A wise old owl lived in an oak, 129 All you that at the famous Game, 229, 278 And he shall desire loneliness, and his desire

shall bring, 409, 475, 495

And I still onward haste to my last night, 78 Can man believe with common sense, 249,

296, 316 Charms and a man I sing, to wit a most

superior person, 529

Die Weltgeschichte 1st das Weltgericht, 378 Draw, Cupid, draw, and make that heart to

know, 290, 336 Dum pia Melpomene, nato pereunte querelas,

227 Education, age a child should begin, origin

of the story, 390 England, with all thy faults I love thee still,


Eodem animo scripsit quo bellavit, 113 Etsi inopis non ingrata munuscula dextrse,

229, 296 Every one of these islanders is an island

himself, 11, 58, 78 Faith, gentlemen, I do not blame your wit,

229, 357

French's contemptible little army, 349, 532 From the heretic girl of my soul shall I fly,

369, 436

Gaude, Virgo, Mater Christi, 228, 271 God is on the side of big battalions, 509 Government for the people, of the people, by

the people, 14

He counted them at break of day, 269 He never overlooks a mistake or makes the

smallest allowance for ignorance, 369 Heaven would not be Heaven were thy

not with mine, 329, 398