Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/571

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1917.



Peet (W. H.) on foreign graves of British authors, 254

Penitent on perpetuation of printed errors, 87

Penney (Norman) on " Carrstipers " : " Correll " : " Whelping," 488. Sheffner : Hudson : Lady Sophia Sydney : Sir William Cunningham, 29. ' Some Fruits of Solitude,' 476

Penny (Rev. Frank) on "Dolores," 71. Maule (Rev. Ward), 227. St. George's, Bloomsbury, 93. Strange (Sir Thomas Andrew Lumisden), 515

Peregrinus on Butler's ' Analogy ' : bibliography, 369. Panis, " amicitiae symbolum," 296

Pierpoint (Robert) on Acco, 314. Cleopatra and the pearl, 37. Colours of badge of the Earls of Warwick : Beauchamp, 95. Cromwell : St. John, 236. Cyprus cat, 427. Daubigny's Club, 28. " Fare thou well," 288. Farmers' savings, 435. " Faugh-a-Ballagh," 416. Fieldingiana : Miss H and, 137. " ffoliott " and " ffrench " : 4 ' Ff " or " ff " for F, 534. Foreign graves of British authors, 395. Gunfire and rain, 38. ' Heart's Summer,' by Joseph Knight, 21. " How not to do it," 17. Ibsen's ' Ghosts ' and the Lord Chamberlain, 469; " Jobey " of Eton, 295. King (William), LL.D., President of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 467. King's Own Scottish Borderers, 92. Kingsway, 170. " Loke," 18. Montagu and Manchester, 73. Motto of William III. : " Recepit, non rapuit," 336. Negro, or coloured, bandsmen in the Army, 303. Officers' " batmen," 495. Palla- vicini : arms, 328. Papal insignia, : Nicolas V., 154. Prine (John), 1568, 516. Right Worship- ful the Mayor, 111. St. Peter as the gate- keeper of heaven, 274. Stewart ring, 215. Swift (Richard), 112

Pigott (W. Jackson) on Moone of Breda : Jackson, 229. Walsh (Sir Patrick), 10

Pilcher (G. T.) on " Every Englishman is an island," 78

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on folk-lore : red hair, 196. Throe witches in ' Macbeth,' 142

Pink (W. D.) on Thomas Cholmley, 172. Crom- well's baronets and knights, 198. Herbert (Edward), M.P., 436. Hussey (Thomas), M.P. for Whitchurch, 1645-53, 135. Price : heraldic query, 477

Platt (Charles) on authors wanted, 329

Poland (Sir Harry B*) on fact or fancy ? 277. George IV. and the prerogative of mercy, 401. Motto of William III., 26. ' Sheridaniana,' 488

Politician on " dug-out " : various meanings, 328

Potter (G.) on Richard Swift, 9

Potts (R. A.) on Mumbo Jumbo, 114

Powlett (Col. N.)on farmers' Candlemas rime, 159. Hebrew inscription, Sheepshed, Leicestershire, 195. Kerry place-names, 14. Pronunciation of " Catriona," 158. " Septem sine horis," 377

Price (Leonard C.) on Madame E. L. lie Brun, French artist, 27. Cleypole, Cromwell, and Price families, 508. Cromwell's baronets and knights, 129. Fellows of the Society of Anti- quaries, 518. Headstones with portraits of the deceased, 210. Holmes family, co. Limerick, 90. Lloyd (Plumstead), 398. Price : heraldic query, 349. Price (Sir Robert), Bart., 270. " Privileges of Parliament," 411. Raynes Park, Wimbledon, Murrey, 148. Sheppard or Shep- hard family of Northamptonshire, 391. Un- identified M.P.s, 456. " Watch House," Ewell, Surrey, 9

Prideaux (H. Maxwell) on boat-race won by Oxford with seven oars, 494. Few Pickwickiana, 368. ' Working-Man's Way in the World,' 16

Pryce (Lewis) on badges : identification sought, 310

Q. (Tertium) on authors wanted, 348

Quarrell (W. H.) on " Severe," 12. Ching : Cornish or Chinese ? 199. J. (S.), water-colour artist, 315. Portraits in stained glass, 374

Quien Sabe on inherited family likenesses, 10

R. (A. F.) on "Donkey's years "=a very long time, 506. " Feis," 71. Numbering public vehicles, 430. " Oil on troubled waters," 87. Operas performed in the provinces, 410

R. (G. H.) on Caldecott, 195. English Army List of 1740, 393. Fieldingiana : Miss H and, 29. Shires of Northampton and Southampton, 38.

R. (G. W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted, 336. St. George's (Hart Street), Bloomsbury, 195. Side-saddle, 73. Stewart ring : the Hon. A. J. Stewart, 257

R. (J. F.) on colonels and regimental expenses, 529

R. (J. H.) on Mose Skinner, 251. Stones of London, 194

R. (J. P.) on Gorges brass, 13

R. (L. G.) on Archer : Bowman, 135. ' Comic Aldrich,' 228. " Court " in French place- names, 249. Scott (Sir Walter) : Lockhart's unpublished letter, 57, 114. Stael (Madame de), 269. Stael (Madame de) : Louis Alphonse Rocca, 310. " To give the mitten," 351

R. (R. D.) on Harding of Somerset, 350

R. (S. P. Q.) on Capt. Bellains or Bellairs, 172

R. (T. E.) on Snob and Ghost, 109

Rainsford (F. Vine) on English Army List of 1740, 314

Ratcliffe (T.) on British herb : herb tobacco, 16. Ear tingling : charm to " cut the scandal," 413. Farmers' Candlemas rime, 118. Farmers' sayings, 358. House and garden superstitions, 138. Peat and moss : healing properties, 9, 156. Snob and Ghost, 339. Tinsel pictures, 297. " To weep Irish " : "to war," 456. Touch wood, 418

Redmond (C. Stennett), M.D., on Burton and Speke : African travel, 148

Reinach (S.) on ladies' spurs, 490. " One's place in the sun," 218. Side-saddle, 73

Renira on names of the moon, 429,. Porte (De la) family, 448

Reviewer on " Cardew," 397

Ricci (Seymour de) on author wanted : ' Otho de

Grandison,' 155. Coloured book-wrappers, 478

Robbins (Alfred F.) on "appreciation," ITi'. "Coals to Newcastle," 250. "Dead secret," 107. Earl's Court, a London suburb, 389. England, Germany, and the dye industry, 528. English Army List of 1740, 354. " Freedom of a city in a gold box," 228. Gennys of Launoes- ton and Plymouth, 114. " Hat trick " : a cricket term, 178. " High Court of Chivalix -." 330. Illustrated Speech from the Throne, 248. London's entertainment to " four Indian kings," 304. Moving pictures : their evolution,