Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/354

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. OCT. 9, 1920

aerial combat. Queen Mary holds a banner with the words "Non nobis, Domine. " In the distance are ships of war, with the Dutch flag.

What event does this picture represent ? S. R. POTTER.

36 Douglas Road, Romford.

Hzn, OB H.z.n., DUTCH ABBREVIATION. The 'Dictionary, English-Dutch,' and vice versa, 4th edit., published at Nijmegen, 1851, is by D. Bomhoff, Hzn. A corre- spondent writing recently from Meppel, Holland (12 S. vi. 313) has H.z.n. after his name. Probably these abbreviations with and without stops are synonymous, but what do they stand for ?


SIR WILLIAM JOHN STROTH died at Bognor, Feb. 1, 1859 [?]. Of what place in the West Indies was he formerly Governor ?

Arundel. A " H ' W/FYNMORE.

BOOK BY MAJOR HENRY SHRAPNEL, ROYAL ARTILLERY. In the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, of 1867, vol. v., p. 394, the following sentence occurs :

"About this time (1803) Shrapnel published in the ' Gunners' Guide, or a Pocket Companion for Non-commissioned Officers and Privates in the Artillery and Marines ' an ' Explanation of the advantages and effects which may be derived in firing case shot in the mode preferred by Major Shrapnel. "

Can any information be given about this book ? J. H. LESLIE, Lieut. -Col.

FOTHERGILL FAMILY. Can any reader give me the Christian name, and date of birth and death, of a Mr. Fothergill, who is described in 1823 as: "An ingenious surgeon at Askrig."


Capenoch, Thornbill, Dumfriesshire.

ELIZABETH CHUDLEIGH, DUCHESS OF KINGSTON. Died Aug. 28, 1785, at St. Assize, near Paris. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' say where she was buried ? None of the four or five memoirs I have read give this information.

W. COURTHOPE FORMAN. Compton Down, nr. Winchester.

DISRAELI'S 'CONINGSBY.' In this novel, the author describes a model cotton mill and village, and an old mansion with an Italian staircase where Coningsby meets Edith. Is impossible to identify these places ?


COMMANDER GRAHAM GORE, of the dis- covery ship Erebus, who perished in the ill- fated "Polar Expedition of Sir John Franklin.

Would some one kindly give me his ancestry, and armorial bearings ?

(Mrs.) M. A. RUBIDGE.

Hightield, Launceston, Cornwall.

NUNC DIMITTIS. Of course, this Latin, like the original Greek and the English version, expresses a statement, not a wish. But it is often misapprehended. For in- stance, Burton, 'Anat. Mel.,' ii. 3-5 writes " Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace"; and Merrick's metrical paraphrase (in Dods- ley) has :

Let this mortal frame decay, Mingled with its kindred clay.

Near the end of ' Woodstock ' Scott actually writes dimittas, and so does Carlyle in the second essay on 'Richter.' There seems to be no doubt about the Greek. Does any Latin version give the subjunctive ?

G. G. L.

THE SURNAME MAYALL. I shall be much obliged for any instances of this surname, with references, in the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries. ARTHUR MAYALL.

3 Church Street, Southport.

LONDON POSTMARKS. Can any one tell me whether it would be possible for a London local letter in the year 1816 to be post- marked on a Sunday ?

Is there such a thing as a book on post- marks ? G. A. ANDERSON.


EPITAPH : AUTHOR WANTED. In a north country (Yorks) burial ground I have lately come across an epitaph of more than ordinary merit and pathos :

Passing from the stress of doing Into the peace of Done

Could any reader indicate the writer and poem from which it has been quoted ? I have been told it is of American origin.


HEATHTOWN OR HEATHTON/tu:to WOLVER- HAMPTON. Can any one tell me the origin of this name ? In an edition of ' Camden's Britannia,' dated 1722, it is marked on the map as "Heath Houses." Why was a certain Edward Grosvenor, said to be of Enville, Staffs, described as "Edward of Heathton " in certain Grosvenor pedigree records ? He appears to have been the son of John Grosvenor or Gravenor of the