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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. yn. NOV. e, 1920.

laughter drawn from such depths and rendered in so lively a way, that they and their adventures seem proper mates for the sea.

Of all American works of genius, this book seems to us to come nearest to the English ethos whereby it both gains and loses : for, to 'the real lover of literature, the special quality of a country is precious. It was first published in New York in 1851 the author being then in the prime of early rnanhood. Its vigorous grasp of facts, its sturdy philosophy and its force of imagi- nation are conveyed in writing that may not, in truth, be "absolutely unsurpassed" but, never- theless, sounds a splendid diapason securely adequate to everything for which it is employed.

The Library. Fourth Series, Vol. I., No. 2. Transactions e/ the Bibliographical tnr,i,f>fri< New Series, Vol. I., No. 2. (Humphrey Milford, 5s. net.)

THIS interesting number contains an account of the Daniel Press at Frome and Oxford from the pen of Mr. Madan, with a facsimile of Dr. Daniel's printer's mark ; a long and careful paper by Mr. Henry Thomas on the output of Spanish books in the sixteenth century ; a short abstract of a suggestive paper on Colard Mansion by Mr. Seymour de Ricci and a note by Dr. Crawfurd on W. Hoare's portrait of Pope Winchester Printers and Booksellers are discussed by the Winchester City Librarian, Mr. Cecil Piper, and the division of rare English books between England and the United States by Mr. A. W. Pollard.

A Contribution to an Essex Dialect Dictionary. Reprinted from The Essex Revieip, vol. xxix., October 1920; By Edward Gepp (Qd. post free Id.)

AT p. 239 of vol. vi. of the current series we had pleasure in reviewing a meritorious little work which is destined, we think, to form the nucleus of an Essex Dialect Dictionary. The author has continued his labours with such zeal and to such good purpose that he can now oiler his readers between one and two hundred further words, many of them yielding nothing in picturesque or linguistic value to the best in the longer list. Those who possess the original work should cer- tainly add to it this supplement, which, besides the newly-recorded words contains some good notes on grammar, and a little illustrative humour.

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