Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/654

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1921.

Shadow of a shadow, 428 " Squil " 126 " Telling tales out of the Queen's coach," 230 Thompson's (Rev. H. L.) ' Christ Church ' corrigenda, 86 Waller (Sir Jonathan Walthen [Phipps]), 172

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on heralds' funerals, 497 " Seevier," 173

Poland (Harry B.) on Ballantine (Mr. Serjeant), bis defence of the Guicowar of Baroda, 436 Disraeli and Delane, 107 Payne (Judge), 273 Scott (John), Quaker poet, 339

Pollen ( J. H.) on Jesuit colleges in England, 10

Pollock (W. P. H.) on Benbow (Admiral), 479 Wharton (Sir Pollycarpus) : " Cashe (Couchee; pieces of brass," 158

Ponder (S.) on Dyngwell (Maj>r), 178

Porthouse (William), F.R.A.S., on astronomical table, 407

Potter (&. R.) on William and Mary, oil-painting of, 290

Powell (Lawrence F.) on Van Schevichaven (J.), 441

Power (William B.) on Kipling and G. W. Steevens, 136 " Mahogany," 157

Price (Leonard C.) on Burnaby, Baronets of Broughton Hall, 269 Gnaton, Derbyshire, 137 -London postmarks, 355 Mordaunt's (Col.) cock fight, 392 Price family, 6, 109 Serving- ton family, 49 Stainsby House, Derby, 176 Wine cisterns, silver, 250

Prideaux (H. Maxwell) on ' Old Bachelors ' : author wanted, 89

Prideaux ( W. R. B.) on Pepys (Samuel), his salary as Admiralty secretary, 367 Royal Sovereign, H.M.S., 1637, 367

Prior (C. E.) on English plays performed in Paris, 89

Pronepos on Aikin (Dr. John), his " rambles," 21, 44, 61, 83, 103

Puaux (Ren) on Byron : reference wanted, 88

Pulteney (Lieut.-General W. P.) on Gentleman Ushers of the Black Bod, 429

Q. (L.) on Ward (Sir Leslie), 470

Quarrell (W. H.) on Mawgan Church, brass in, 98 Wine cisterns, their use, 294

Querist on Hamilton (Margaret) and Holyrood, 110

<Quigley (Hugh) on Italian literary criticism, in the eighteenth century, 263, 285, 348 Italian literary republic in the eighteenth century, 504 Italian stage-scenery in the eighteenth century, 122, 144 Italian war- literature of seventeenth century, 87

B. (A.) on " Throwing in the towel," 130

B. (E.) on Julia, daughter of Caesar, 237

Russian Church, ecclesiastical dress in, 208

Tom's Coffee-house, 157 B. (E. B.) on foreign languages, influence on

style, 89

R. (J. A.) on author of quotation wanted, 410 R. (J. F.) on cryptography, 76

R. (L. G.) on Arnold (Brig.-General), his burial place, 168 Camille, 192 Cranmer (Arch- bishop), 90 Dinwiddie family, 55 Funeral parlour, 178 " H," aspiration of, 374 Hurbecs, 133 Lowestoft china, 116 Poetess, earliest English, 351 Tavern sign-boards, 467 R. (V.) on " Association books," 477 Foreign languages, influence on style, 212 London : lights of, 229

RatclifEe (Thos.) on cane, lore of the, 59 Derby- shire superstition : three knocks a sign of death, 168 Dock-leaves and nettle -stings, 14 " Flocks " and " herds," 15 Folk-lore of the Elder, 38

Rawson (Graham) on coinage of Charles II., 71

Reade ^Herbert) on Cotes (I.), painter, 9

Remington (A. C.) on Remington family, 332

Reynolds (Henry Fitzgerald) on Irish family history : Keon of Moreagh and Keon- Brook, co. Leitrim, 2, 26, 66 ; Reynolds of Castlefinn and Dromore, co. Donegal, 106 ; Hewetson of Ballyshannon, 165 ; Lacy of Dublin, 225 ; Fanning of Dublin, 308 Reynolds (Lieut. Francis), d. 1760, 314

Richardson (B. L.) on Hodgson family, 189

Rickword (George) on Thorpe (Thomas), 277

Robbins (Alfred) on Baldock (John), confession of murder by, 127 French songs : ' O Richard ! O mon roi 1 ' 416 House of Commons, Fathers of the, 272 Jew member of Parliament, first, 167 Lepers in England, 276 ' Our London Letter,' 171 'Poor Uncle Ned,' 438 " Premier " : " Prime Minister," 195 Secre- taries of State for War and for the Colonies, 416 Thackerav (W. M.), letter to Tom Hood, 493

Roberts (Kate L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 170, 178

Roberts (R. A.) on Percival (Viscount), diary of. 162

Roberts (R. H.) on a Becket (Sir Thomas) as patron saint of London, 248 London Insurance companies, 437

Boberts (W.) on " balderdashed," 148 Journal- ism : ' Our London Letter,' 128 Sharpe (Dr. Gregory), 45

Robinson (Luke) on Robinson (John), Sheriff of Hull, 1682, 311

Rockingham on North American Indians, 298 Peacocks' feathers, 137

Rodgers (H. N.) on Bilson (Leonard), 455

Boe (F. Gordon) on Bentley (Charles), 429 Beverley (William Roxby), 429 Bignold and Bun yon families, 170 Brasses, 38 Burton families, 191 " Calked " : " calking," 16 " Ox " in place-names, 17 Pope and Queen of England on china pot, 33 Roe (Sir F. A.), 268 Roe (Robert), 349 Steuben (Charles Baron de), 193 Surnames, curious, 95 Thurlow family, 357 Willow-planting, 57

Round (J. H.) on Denny, De Deene and Windsor families, 358

Row (Prescott) on Fuller (Thomas) : reference wanted, 450 George I., gift of gold cup, 450, 514 Hertfordshire, hermit of, 466

Rowe (J. Hambley) on chartularies, 330 William of Worcester, ' Itinerary ' of, 8

Rubidge (Mrs. M. A.) on Gore (Commander Graham), 290

Russell (Lady Constance) on Anstis (John), 234, 276 Bashe or Baeshe (Sir Ralph) of Stansted- bury, 88 Cotes, portraits by, 53 Cranstown