Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/77

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12 s. vii. JOT.Y IT, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES. NEW METHOD OF LEARNING FRENCH. Latest Achievement of Pelman Institute. " Do you think that you could pick up a book of four hundred pages, written in a language with which you are unacquainted say Spanish or Italian and containing no English words at all, and read that book through without having to refer once to a dictionary ? " " Of course I couldn't," you will reply ; " such a thing is impossible." Certainly it seems impossible. Yet this is just what the new method of learning Foreign languages by correspondence, intro- duced by the well-known Pelman Institute, now enables you to do. The new Pelman method of Language Instruction is indeed a most remarkable educational achievement, and the French ^Course, which is now ready, is described in a little book entitled " How to Learn French," which will be sent free to any reader of " Notes & Queries " on application to the address given below. No Translation. Based on an entirely new principle, the Pelman method is simplicity itself, and the very first lesson of the French Course will amaze you. There is not a word of English in this lesson, yet you can read it with ease, and you could do so even if you didn't possess the slightest' previous knowledge of French. It sounds almost incredible, but it is perfectly true. This method enables you to learn French in about one-third the time usually required. And you will attain this proficiency without having to spend hours, days and months studying complicated and dreary rules of grammar, or memorizing long vocabularies. There are no passages of French to be put into English, and no passages of English to be put into French. You learn the language in the natural way, just as you would if you were studying in France. This, of course makes the study extremely interesting so much so that once you begin it you will go on until you have finished the Course. By that time you will have acquired a thorough mastery of the language, and will be able to read, write, and speak French fluently and correctly. Write to-day for a free copy of " How to Learn French " to The Pelman Institute (Modern Languages Department). 36 Bloomsbury ^Mansions, Hart Street, London, W.C.I. 100,000 Crowns urgently needed for THE"ARETHUSA" TRAINING SHIP and the Shaftesbnry Homes at Bisley, Twickenham, Sudbury, Ealing, &c., Maintaining and training 1,200 Boys and Girls. Patrons : THEIR MAJESTIES THB KING AND QUEEN. President : H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Vice-President : ADMIRAL VISCOUNT JELLICOE. Chairman and Treasurer : C. E. MALOEN, ESQ., M.A. Chairman of "Arethusa" Committee: HOWSON F. DEVITT, ESQ. Joint Secretaries: H. BRISTOW W ALLEN, HENRY G. COPELAND. Cheques should be made payable to and sent to THE SHAFTESBURY HOMES and "ARETHUSA" TRAINING SHIP, 164 Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2. " Angla Kaj Esperanta Etimologio." " English and Esperanto Etymology." BY GHAS. G. STUART-MENTETH B.A.(Oxon.), Honours. More translations from Reviews : "Demonstrates the internal affinity of the two languages by a skilful putting together of selected English and Esperanto roots." La Esperantisto (Vienna). "This booklet serves well for speakers of English who would get up Esperanto." Svisa Espero (Lausanne). "Interesting novel proof of the internation- alityof our language (Esperanto)." Nia Folieto (Ghent). 10d. post free. BRITISH ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION 17 HART STREET, LONDON, W.C.I.